Delayed Dumping

I woke up yesterday morning, doubled over with abdominal cramping, terrible diarrhea, and nauseous. After about 20 minutes, it was over. I felt like I was dumping, but hadn't eaten anything within 12 hours since I was sleeping. This has never happened before. What could have caused this? I didn't eat anything unusual the evening before. Almost 5mo. PO.    — Cheri M. (posted on March 25, 2002)

March 25, 2002
I don't know what caused your problem, but it wasn't dumping. As the dietician explained it to me, dumping is caused by the body's reaction to sugar as soon as it goes into the small intestine. Part of the reaction is that your body senses the sugar and immediately gears up its production of insulin. That's the sweating, shaky feeling that you get from dumping.
   — garw

March 25, 2002
I get this every couple months or so. I can't seem to figure out what--if anything--triggers it. I get a lot of intestinal cramping and am stuck in the potty for 20-30 minutes and then it is over. I don't know if maybe I need to clean out my innards or what but if it only happens every couple months I am not gonna complain about it. =) Don't know that this was helpful except to let you know you are not alone . . .
   — ctyst

March 25, 2002
I don't know if this is it or not, but it sounds a lot like the way the stomach flu began in my daughter several days ago. She had REALLY extreme stomach cramps & gas. Hers lasted longer, several hours, but maybe cuz she didn't have the diarrhea...? Anyway, the next day she came down big time with fever, chills, and terrible body aches. This migrated to her throat & became a cough after a few days. The doctor said he had seen a lot of this in our area--Idaho. Just an idea....there are some really AWFUL bugs going around this year.
   — Kathy W.

March 25, 2002
I had this same thing last Monday. It turned out to be the stomach virus. My son came home from work that night with the same thing. I had never been so sick in all my life with stomach pains. I have dumped once, beleive me this was much worse than dumping. Hope this helps.
   — Valerie M.

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