Can some one tell me about how long it takes to go in ketosis?

I saw a few people who said within 24 hours they were in ketosis, well it has been 24 hours and i am not.Not that i am whinning or anything but this diet really sucks. Only 3oz. of meat and chicken broth~    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 27, 2001)

June 27, 2001
About 2 weeks (at least for me.)
   — Helena R.

June 27, 2001
Two weeks?????????????? oh my god!!!! I don't think i can do this protein sparing diet for two weeks! and also the nutritionist only gave me like 6 of the little testers. Do they sell those in the store somewhere then?
   — [Anonymous]

June 27, 2001
i bought my strips online at you can get them at any medical supply store...diabetics rely on those.
   — Alison B.

June 27, 2001
If you are doing the Atkins you will probally mess yourself up. If you are determined to skip carbs, you would be better off with the "Carbohydrates Addict Diet". At least you would get carbs in one meal a day and it would be a more "healthy ballance". "Regular people" have to take vitamins (different weird kinds) on Atkins. What do you think it is going to do to us? It's bad news. But I guess some people have to learn the hard way. ;) No insult intended. I just hate to know you are hurting yourself. :(
   — Danmark

June 27, 2001
No you don't understand!!! I do not choose to do this I have to do this! My surgeon requires that i go into ketosis before he schedules a surgery date. Once i go into ketosis he will give me a surgery date.
   — [Anonymous]

June 27, 2001
I would suggest you get and read Suzanne Somers' books. Her plan is that you do not mix carbs with fats/proteins! This is a great plan and is backed by the medical community. You are allowed to eat as much as you want, but in certain combinations- no potatos, carrots, corn, white flour or white rice. Her books even have receipes for desserts!
   — Kim M.

June 27, 2001
I also have started this diet and was wondering the same thing.I know i have followed the paper exactly as the nutritionist said to but i too have not gone into ketosis. i only have 1 more tester left. I am sick of the same two things already.

June 27, 2001
Okay--I am pre-op and the atkins is the only diet that kinda worked for me in the past. When I messed up, I would leave ketosis. The fastest way to get back in like three days is not to eat. I literally did not eat a thing. If I broke down, I ate some type of meat--shrimp, steak, with nothing else and only a few bites. I KNOW that does not sound healthy. I am sure it's not. But, honestly, it'll put your butt in Ketosis almost immediately because it depletes all of your carb stores immediately. You only have enough stored for app. 48 hours. You can check every 8 hours with the sticks and it will get darker and darker until it is maroon. Also, water gets your body moving, so drink up. Good luck!!
   — Courtney W.

June 27, 2001
Oh, one more thing. The testers are sold at drug stores. I used to buy mine at eckerds. They are called Ketostix. Thats the brand I buy, about 10 dollars for like 50.
   — Courtney W.

June 27, 2001
Thank you do much Courtney~ I was thinking that also with not eating because if i eat one more can of tuna or drink one more cup of chicken broth i will vomit!! This morning i had my black tea,that was it. Then at 10:00am I had a 1/2 can of tuna for my 3 oz. i am allowed to have, and tons of water....this is my 2nd day and I am hoping that this will put me in ketosis soon!......So your saying 3 days huh?

June 27, 2001
What is Ketosis and what will it do?
   — Dawn R.

June 27, 2001
I too did the atkins diet and it for me took two weeks also. Good Luck!
   — rinkadinktx

June 27, 2001
Hi, I found during my Atkins days that it took me less than 3 days to be in a deep state of ketosis. However, I had to keep my carbohydrate intake around 20-25 grams a day. You don't have to lots of high protrein low carb/no carb foods. Also drink plenty of water. My strips seemed to show me in my highest level of ketosis right after I got home from work. Some say it's the highest for them early in the morning. Try several times through out the day. Hope this helps.
   — KimBo36

June 27, 2001
Thank you Kim, You know what i find weird, on the Adkin's diet you were allowed to eat as much as you wanted of protein foods right? Then how come I am only allowed 3 oz. of meat per meal and chicken broth? Also i read on the ketostix paper that people who are diabetic go into ketosis faster than normal.I am not diabetic, but i feel like i am going to pass out right now i am really dizzy and my vision is blurry~ I hope i reach ketosis fast! thanks for all your help

June 27, 2001
Well i went home from work last night and low and behold i was in ketosis!!!!! Yippeee! :) I called Dr. Valin's office and Cecile told me she would be there for another hour so i shot over there like a speeding bullet! I was so happy not to have to eat a peice of yucky plain meat again, I had a delicous bowl of spegetti! So all in all i started the diet on tuesday morning and by wed. at 5:00 pm i was in ketosis. It was tough but at least it didn't take me the 2 weeks i thought I was looking at!

June 27, 2001
Okay I am lost. What is the purpose of the doctor telling you to do this? I can't imagine unless he wants to check your willpower or something.
   — Barbara H.

May 27, 2003
I am on day #3 of the protein sparing diet. I am so sick of chicken broth the smell of it makes me sick. I have had just that, chicken breast, pork cutlet and clear liquids since Sunday. Why doesn't anyone tell you how sick this can make you? I have had an awful, pounding headache and terrible nausea since yesterday morning. I can tolerate the limited diet, but not feeling well.
   — justis24

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