Has anyone had an appointment with DR. Goodmans dietitian and pshcologist

I have an appointment over the phone with them and I would like to know what to expect to that I do not make a mistake and say something that will not allow me to be seen by Dr. Goodman he and his staff are great so far please any help or advise will be gladly appreciated thanks in advance    — TANGIE B. (posted on August 14, 2000)

August 14, 2000
Hi Tangie, I know just how you feel, I too felt very intimitated, and was worried that after meeting with both the dietitian,Aisling McGinty and especially the psychologist Dr. Juliet Glinski that I was too honest and would somehow be judged unfit for this operation. I kept second guessing myself. Gee maybe I shouldn't have told Dr Glinski that I had been treated for depression with prozac, and that at one time in my 35 yr marriage I seriously considered killing my husband! When I mentioned this problem to my primary physician, he looked at me and said well, she never met your husband. He is a nerve test to say the least. I was really losing sleep over this and fought every suggestion that the dietition made and felt very put out when Dr. Glinsky called and told me she'd like me to try the diet before the operation. I can't begin to tell you how I fought this little suggestion. To the point of being rude to them. Honest, I am telling you the truth do not worry about meeting with these two lovely and professional women. They are on your side. Be honest with them, and you'll soon realize that Dr. Goodman's entire program is the most professional and well run program I have ever experienced. Attend the support groups as often as possible. Tell me when you are going to be there and I will try to attend and give my shoulder to lean on. My email is [email protected] or you can call me at 516-795-2073.
   — Nilvia R.

November 6, 2001
Hi . I to am a patient of Dr.G and i was scared because, I feelt bad that my whole life was laid out in front of these people to judge me. but they only use it for research and post op problems that might occur. Such has depression and what not. Do you have a date or did you have it yet?. I am post op Nov 21 and i am scared of death. Please get back to me thanks
   — Sheila E.

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