Does anyone have advice on how to plead to the DR. for help?

I have called Dr. O'Malley, Dr. Sax, and Dr. Flinkinger's offices and all of them were rude to me at O'Malley's office they refused to talk to me or answer questions unless I have a 3 yr. pcp. Dr. Sax's office told me my personal care physician needed to make the appointment, and when I asked why the secretary told me no reason they just need to; I asked her did I need a referral she said no. When I called Dr.Flinckinger office the first lady was rude was short with me and when I told her I had a few questions she said one moment and put me through to voice mail I left a message and the nurse did call back to give me another surgeons # I refused it, and told her I wanted to see him she told me he was not taking new patients until late October she did everything she could to get rid of me and I gave her reasons it would be best for me to see him so my first appointment is on 10/25 please email me any information on how to not allow the secretaries to run or brush me off and if anybody has any info on these doctors please let me know or if there is other doctors in the Rochester NY area I would like to know I am considering calling back begging Dr.O'Malley's secretary to see me she was so cold to me please help.    — TANGIE B. (posted on August 8, 2000)

August 8, 2000
I wonder if these doctors are aware of how their staff is behaving? I say this because I previously managed a clinic in Wisconsin, and know that busy as drs are they leave so much in the hands of what they believe to be a capable staff. Perhaps you will get some answers from people in the same area as you live. I think this behavior on the part of the staff stinks. Completely out of line and unprofessional.
   — JennyLynn A.

December 7, 2000
Tangie- I hope you were able to get some results. I was wondering where do you live? When my doctors office got an attitude with me, I made an appointment and spoke to the doctor directly and in person. You don't have to take that kind of abuse! Terry Collins
   — T. C.

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