I am considering having a gastric sleeve peformed in Mexio

I am considering having a gastric sleeve done in Mexico and wonder what others have done about "after care" upon returning to the United States.    — Diva2 (posted on October 11, 2010)

October 11, 2010
Marie, There really isn't much "after care" needed with a sleeve, which is one of the many reasons I opted for it. I had mine done by Dr. Aceves in Mexico and I cannot say enough wonderful things about him and my entire experience. He and his staff are wonderful, caring, compassionate people; he is an outstanding surgeon with a terrific record of successful surgeries, and the hospital was beautiful and amazingly clean. Plus my after-surgery care was done IN THE HOSPITAL and not in some hotel. Now that I'm back in the states, my primary care physician can order my blood work to check my vitamin levels. I haven't needed anything else. I'm 3+ months out now and I've lost 53% of my excess weight! I feel great. My feet and knees no longer hurt. I can walk my dogs. I can cross my legs again! I can get down on the floor AND back up again. I can paint my toenails without losing my breath. I am off of 2 of my previous meds due to the weight loss AND I am shopping in the misses section instead of the women's section of the store! My ONLY regret is that I didn't do this sooner... Cheryl*
   — boernecheryl

October 11, 2010
I have a dear friend who had a lap band implanted in Mexico. It turned out to be the worst decision she has ever made. Her sisters paid for the initial surgery and follow-up, but no American doctor will not do adjustments for it and it has become cost prohibitive to travel to Mexico. So it just sits there. Please don't go to Mexico for the procedure. Barbara
   — Barbara P.

October 11, 2010
I agree Mexico can be a wonderful experience and so much cheaper than the states. I feel so guilty I spent over $23,000 for my RNY here in the states jan.08. After reading so much about the sleeve and following the OH boards I soon realized I could have had the procedure done for half the price. My hubby had the sleeve last September with Dr. Alvarez. Last year the violence was not as bad as it is now. At this point I would really follow and see what is going on. Dr. Alvarez is close to the border, we flew into San Antoinio and was picked up and spent the night in Eagle Pass Texas. The next morning we were picked up and taken across the border and he had his surgery. His procedure was under $10,000. Again with the sleeve there is not much of a follow up as there is no malabsorption issues like my RNY. I also had plastic surgery in April in Mexico and had wonderful experience and I was there for 2 weeks (I went by myself). Any doctor you are considering just do your homework it can be really good option. Remember in Mexico they do not take your medical insurance and there is no malpractice so you MUST pick your doctor wisely. If you are severely obese like over a BMI of 50 I'm not sure I would consider Mexico but if your closer to the 40 BMI then I say go for it. Just because of travel issues and of course there is a higher rate of complications the larger you are. Good luck and let me know is you have any other questions. Toni
   — ToniLee

October 12, 2010
I would be so scared to go to Mexico. I know my best friend did it. But it is just not for me. I am the kind of person if it can go wrong it will go wrong. What if you get an infection. What if something happens and someone has to go in and revise it? What if I need help here in the states and there is no doctor to help me?? Those would be my main concerns.
   — That_816_Princess

October 12, 2010
I had my VSG done on 6-28-2010 by Dr. Rodriguez in Juarez. He is a great Dr. and has over 15 years experience vs half that of most US Drs. I have had no problems whatsoever, and have lost 100.6 lbs as of 10-08-2010. I still have a long way to go though as I started out at 526 at my pre-op diet startup. I went though a place called Belight Bariatric and they helped set everything up. They even helped with financing some. I paid 6950 for the surgery and hospital stay. Another 1500 for airplane, 2 seats for me and one for my roomate who went with me. The hospital was excellent too. I agree with what other said about the troubles down there, but felt really safe once I got there. The hospital is very close to the US Consulate and there were armed guards outside. The whole time I was there I stayed in the hospital, but my roomate ventured out to eat and shop, and he said he felt safe. Good Luck with whatever you decide to do.
   — JoelConner

October 12, 2010
I personally would not consider going to Mexico for treatment. #1, most US doctors will not do follow up care for a surgery performed in Mexico. #2, and maybe the most important thing, watch the news! People are getting killed by the dozens down there by the drug cartels! Just across the border they're dumping the bodies. Think about your safety in many ways before making this decision. Best of luck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 23, 2010
I also had my gastric sleeve done by Dr. Aceves in Mexicali. I went by myself. My family was very upset. If I did it here in Florida, I would have to jump through lots of hoops, answering stupid questions and exams. Also the wait 6 to 9 months to have the surgery. After that, then all the different bills would come. Everything is billed separately in America. You would be sent directly home to fend for yourself. In Mexico, one price covered everything. I even got it on sale. 3 days in the hospital, hotel the night before, transport, etc. The care, facilities and cleanliness was outstanding in this private hospital. With the suggestions from this site, I knew what little to pack. This made travel easy. I used handicap service for all my flights. All my after care questions have been answered promptly via e-mail. I could call if I have a question. The team treated each patient as an individual. They adjusted the care to what each person needed. I could not be more pleased. My surgery was Oct. 8.
   — kuiltdiva

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