liquid vitamins

any types of food you can eat on liquid diet    — karen43 (posted on April 19, 2007)

April 19, 2007
Depends on how you tolerate pills. I originally took 2 chewable Flinstones. Then I changed to liquid Centrum. Now I take full size adult pills. Good luck
   — JGDugar

April 19, 2007
I take liquid multi and calcium from Tropical Oasis. I wanted at least 10,000 mg of Vitamin A. Calcium has to be citrate. I take a B-12 sublingual twice a week and coromega fish oil every other day. I didn't like Flintstones or Centrum because they were not all natural. My labs are great! Your dietician will work with you after your first appt. and tell you what you need. Mine gave me a sheet so I can purchase everything beforehand.
   — Sheri A.

April 20, 2007
Not sure what you are asking here, you say liquid vitamins, but then said food for a liquid diet. They make liquid vitamins, but chewables turn to liquid when you chew them and are much cheaper, so you can use them as well. Regarding a liquid diet, food is food, liquid is liquid. Stick to the program and tough it out. It is for your benefit. Don't know if you are pre or post op, but you can handle it either way, it will only be for a short time and it will bendfit your health and surgery risk greatly! Stick to it girl! Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

April 20, 2007
Hi...I take bariatric vitamins,and have from day 1, per recommendation of my aftercare nutritionist. The brand that I use are Resource brand ...OPTISOURCE, a chewable vitamin that you take 4 times a day. They are citrus flavored,and full of all the nutrients needed. I get them from Walgreens and a month supply is about $27.00. If you don't have a Walgreens nearby, I notice on the bottle that I have,that you can order them thru the mail. Here is a phone # 1-800-828-9194. Also a website listed is has always been important to me to be as healthy as I can because I will not get all the nutrients I need for awhile,eating as I do. I hope that this helps you.
   — peacelovecat

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