Why Cant I just be done with all these test?

Hi I have been researching this for 3 years and have decided to have it done. Now I have been to more doctors than i ever have in life. i was born with Spina Binfad even though all is fine I still have bad back pain. I also weight 330 with a BMI of 63 and nothing on my body will heal. I just was called to come back in to be fitted for a mask after taking a sleep test. Does that mean i have Sleep Apena. Learning about of the problems i have has scared me and now I want the RNY even more. i just wish they would hurry up. The other thing is that i have DC ALlliance because i cant afford insurance on my own and they go based on the situtation. I need some good advise. HELP please!    — Ms-Pink (posted on March 22, 2006)

March 22, 2006
If they are fitting you for a mask than you must have sleep apnea which is a reason for a CPAP machine in which the mask is for. I wish you the best in your journey. I also researched for 3 years and when I finally decided to have it done I found out my insurance required a 6 month Dr. supervised diet. I had been on Jenny Craig for 8 months but because I was not also going to my doctor I had to start over at month 1. Now I have been approved and have a date of 4/14/06. Good luck, hang in there!
   — classite

March 22, 2006
DO you wanna be successful at this way of life, or do you wanna die? The tests are for a reason . . . they may make the difference between life and death. Hang in there . . .
   — rayehawk

March 22, 2006
I know this seems to take forever- but we tend to be a NOW society- remember the old adage that the best things come in small packages- take each day one at a time- go through the tests and let the doctors and nurses do their work- you don't want them to rush and make a mistake or miss something- this is your life we are talking about- use this time to start make small lifestyle changes one at a time- I have heard it said that it takes at least 3-6 months to make a change in lifestyle a part of your life- so take one step at a time each month to add to your new life, be it sipping the 64 oz of water per day, eating with a baby spoon to take only small bites and chew your food 20 times before swollowing, increasing exercise, whatever. One of the most helpful first things I did as I started work on this journey was start a journal. I can see where I have come and try to figure out when I slip what I might have been going on. Good luck and hang in there.
   — dabby

March 22, 2006
Initially I felt the same way about all of the testing, but then I realized that they were definitely in my best interest. My surgeon assured me that even if there were problems with the tests, it did not mean that I would not have the surgery, just that we would fix the problems prior to the surgery. You want to make the actual surgery as easy on yourself and your surgeon as possible. It reduces the chances of complications during surgery as well as making the whole recovery process easier on you. I fully understand your impatience, but remember, it is worth waiting to make sure it can be as successful as possible. Keep us posted!
   — cindizzy

March 23, 2006
Another reason you have to jump through hoops to get to surgery - it lets the surgeon know you are serious. By making sure you get the tests done, follow the directions for everything they tell you to do before surgery, it lets them know you are ready, willing and able to make the necessary lifestyle changes that come with having WLS and being successful - and more important - healthy, down the road. Tests are done to make sure you are as safe as possible for surgery. Being morbidly obese, you are already high risk, and the surgeon wants to minimize the risks as much as possible. Keep in mind that insurance companies are made aware of your compliance and that can go in your favor if your approval depends on your situation. They aren't as likely to cover surgery for someone who demonstrates non-compliance. Every insurance plan has criteria for coverage of the surgery - if you meet the criteria (and they cover the surgery) you should be approved with no problems.
   — koogy

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