What are my options with WLS? I was just told I have Crohn's.

I had a colonoscopy done about 2 months ago, at that time I was told I had colitis, then a month later I was told it was ulcertive colitis and then this week, it is Crohn's. How is this going to affect my WLS? I was told that I was going to die if I did not have this surgery done from other medical problems that I have as well. I am too young to die, and I have small children in the home who I want to watch grow up and I want to live for them. I don't want to die. Does anyone have information for me on WLS and Crohn's? I have a little, but not enough to give me any answers as to where to go from here. I don't meet with my surgeon for 8 months, and he is 5 hours away, one way. No one else has these answers, and his office said I have to meet with him and ask him this. Anyway, any and all information will be greatly appreciated.    — Barbra M. (posted on May 9, 2001)

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