
I have heard a-lot of advice to make sure you "breathe" and walk after your surgery to help prevent blood clots. I would like to know if you could do deep breathing exercises before surgery to help yourself after surgery. I have a video that shows deep breathing techniques. its used to help you lose weight and inches. Just wondering if starting that video now would possibly help me in the recovery of surgery. Any advice out there would be greatly appreciated! Thanks    — Shannon S. (posted on January 23, 2001)

January 24, 2001
My surgeon wanted me to do deep breathing to prepare for WLS. Deep breathing is really good for us anyway. I say "Yes" do all the deep breathing you can, it surely won't hurt :-) Good Luck...
   — [Anonymous]

January 24, 2001
Sure! What a great idea. Don't forget to take a multi-vite, some C and start your protein supplement pre-op, if you are planning to just stop by, have your surgery and go home! lol. You cannot be too healthy before surgery--it all benfits you in the end!
   — vitalady

January 24, 2001
Gina, It is a great idea to deep breath now to prepare for surgery. I purchased one of those things that the hospital provides after surgery to breath deeply before surgery and used it a lot. You can get at a med supply store for about $15. I had no problems with deep breathing after surgery and had no respiratory complications. I also walked every day for a mile and as I walked I breathed very deeply inhaling through the nose and slowly exhaling out the mouth. It is a good idea to almost be "in training" to prepare as best you can for this surgery. Eat protein too before surgery and take your vitamins NOW. Good luck!
   — Marilyn C.

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