I had RNY 02/02/2009 i have lost 37lbs but about 3 wks now everytime i get on the

scale it doesn't move is that normal?    — sadiebelle (posted on March 22, 2009)

March 22, 2009
Oh my gosh. I had RNY 2/9/09 and have lost 35 pds and the past two weeks its stayed the same. I went to my 2nd dr appt on friday and physcians assistant said thats normal and not to get discouraged. But, I am. Its frustrating and makes me feel like I am doing something wrong. Are you getting in all your protein and water?
   — racegirl

March 22, 2009 is very normal to have a plateau at one month or about 30 lbs...You are right on! Sometimes it lasts a few days...some a week or two... I suspect it is starvation mode and that it takes those longer who need to add MORE food to their diet before the scale moves...But That is just my experience as I have been dealing with these issues for years and the RNY body is very unique...When you do not feed it enough...It shuts down...Sometimes it's just a matter of adding just a little extra such as a piece of fruit after working out to feed those muscles and tell your body that you are not in a famine...Or a few extra calories once in a while to shake up your metabolism. It's usually those people who do A LOT of cardio and burn 100's of calories and are only eating 600-800 calories a day...That's not going to get them all that far fast! Because if you go to the gym for 2 hours like some and burn say 300-500 calories...You are starving your body! Plain and simple!Eat a bit more and your body releases it's survival choke hold on your weight loss! Well, this is my experience anyway...
   — .Anita R.

March 22, 2009
It is normal to hit a plateau. You are doing great. One thing I learned was that when I am on a pleateau, my body is kind of getting used to itself and readjusting to itself. My first plateau I did get very frustrated, but when it was done, I was able to see that I had lost a bunch of inches. Just be patient with it, and add more protein if possible. DO NOT eat fruit. You are not far enough out from your surgery yet, and it can upset your stomach. I had asked my doc about fruit and he said I needed to wait for a couple more months. I have started eating small pieces of melon, but had my surg in Dec. Just keep up the great work. You can and will get through this!
   — Dawn A.

March 23, 2009
Hang in there! I had my lap RNY on 1-15-09 and I just came off my first plateau. I was feeling the same way you are but I was told it's normal and I'll start losing again. Well, they were right :) I had a check-up this last Saturday and I had lost 4 lbs from where I was "stuck" at. So, I'm now down 45 lbs and off my plateau. You will eventually get off yours too! Congrats on your current weight loss!
   — iowamom

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