How can I survive on 3 shakes and 1 meal for 2 weeks before surgery?

I have to have 3 carnation instant shakes made with fat free milk and 1 lean cuisine meal a day for 2 weeks before my surgery and I am nervous about how I am going to feel. Any ideas and support is GREATLY appreciated!    — skoobeedoo70 (posted on April 5, 2008)

April 5, 2008
Think of it as a small sacrifice to a better and healthier life. I promise you it will all be worth it in the end. Try to change your focus for these 2 weeks. Don't focus on food, but find an other one to take your mind off eating. Hang in there and best wishes to you.
   — Tawnda C.

April 5, 2008
Check with your surgeon or nutritionist. I will be on a similar 2-week preop diet, but am allowed as much broth, sugar free Jello, sugar free popsicles, etc. as wanted. The ones who have done it told me it really helps. Maybe yours allows the same!
   — obeseforever

April 5, 2008
I'd say consider yourself lucky! I had to do all liquid for 5 weeks before surgery cause I had to drop 24 lbs before they would do my surgery. I have to say that it was very difficult. If you have to make meals for others in your home, my suggestion is do what I did. I made it, got what I'm supposed to have and left while they ate and had my hubby clean up so I didn't have to worry about it. It's only 2 weeks you'll be fine. Also, once all the sugar and caffine was out of my system and I was exercising on a reg basis during my 5 weeks. It was the BEST mental state I was ever in. No depression, loads of energy and a great outlook on life. I pray the same happens for you. There is no quick or easy fix and don't let anyone tell you that it won't be hard but you are very strong and you will make it thru and come out looking AWESOME on the other side!
   — NewBeginings73

April 5, 2008
I'm no expert but it would seem a shake higher in protein and lower in sugar would help with the hunger issue. I find that while the carnation tastes good it is high in sugar. What about trying a high protein shake (check health food store) and adding splenda for sweetness if necessary? Exercise helps with appitite control as well and gets us out of the kitchen. Best of luck. You can do this!
   — waterlover

April 5, 2008
I've heard that if you can make it the first 4 days, the rest will be down hill. I find that to be true. The higher the protein the better in your shake. I'm not sure how much Carnation has, but you might one to try one with at least 15 g protein. And try drinking slow. It was hard in the beginning, but YOU CAN DO IT! I too was nervous about how I was going to feel. Dr. McEwen's office is the best office, Cheryl actually advised us we might not be in the best of moods going through it. Believe me, the next couple of days that was true! !!!!!!!! JUST REMEMBER: YOU CAN DO IT!!! DON'T DOUBT !!!!!
   — jct001

April 5, 2008
Claudine: I didn't have to do 2 weeks of that before my surgery, but I think it is a good (and very common) requirement. I think you will be hungry if you can't have s/f jello, popsicles, broth, etc. That said, I do think you will be so very happy with your weight loss prior to surgery that you will be able to do it. Believe in yourself! As well, it may be small comfort now, but after surgery, you can almost guarantee that you won't ever get that hungry again. The "tool" makes it relatively easy to stay in line, on task, and moving toward your goal. It's too bad that you can't "feel" that prior to surgery - it would be such a motivator! Good luck and keep posting! dana
   — jujuprof

April 5, 2008
Try some of the food that you will be eating when you get hom from the hospital/ It is a good way to find out what you like and stock up. Figure out which protein shake you like and try to make your own puree foods. But keep it to around 1000 calories a day. THis will help you loose the fat on the liver that can cause complication during surgery. Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

April 5, 2008
You gonna feel anxious, and your gonna be scared, and your gonna feel hungry even if you are not, but if you want surgery you are gonna have to fight through it, and you can. Drink plenty of fluids, not soda, and just remember that this is just the beginning. Surgery helped your stomach, not your brain, and the challenge of not eating is still there after surgery because the brain plays lots of tricks on you. You can do it, but no one said it would be easy. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

April 6, 2008
YEs, you will be hungry. And you will probably lose weight. It's only for two weeks. You can do it. I was on clear liquids for 3 days prior to surgery. That was really hard. No one who is doing the WLS has said this is's not. And afterwards, during the adjustment period, for me that was the hardest of all. But now, almost 3 months out, it has become routine and at 55 pounds lighter it more than makes up for the hardship. Just eat what you're supposed to, take vitamins and get enough rest and you'll do just fine.
   — cjjordan

April 7, 2008
I had to use 5 shakes a day, no meals. The doctor put me on HMR800 shakes. I could have no broth, no food, period. It was quite hard, since after all, I LOVED to eat. I did it though. The good things that were to come outweighed the negative feelings I was having, by far. I did it for 2 weeks and lost 19 pounds. Good luck, and you can do it!
   — stormi25

April 7, 2008
I too had to do to the liquid shakes. I chose Slim fast low carb. They have 20 grams of protien and 1 sugar. Ice cold they were good. I added banana and berries too. If I still felt hungry, I added I to bulk it up in the blender. I also drank V-8, broth, and ate the sugar free jello. It was tough but after the surgery, lapband, it took forever to get it down...I was so full. I have heard similar from the bypass patients. Good luck...I hope this helps. By the way, I lost 6 lbs in four days.
   — pjlewis1

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