Why does my stomach look like a "butt" when I bend over and what can I do to fix it.

I am 4 1/2 years post op and my stomach still looks like a butt when I am in a bent over position. Is this abdominal muscle separation? Can I do any exercises to fix it?    — Gboat (posted on July 8, 2007)

July 8, 2007
Mine has looked liked that for years since I had m c-section 17 years ago,no matter what i do it still looks the same,I think it has to do with a cut muscle.Sandy Hanson
   — Sandy Hanson

July 8, 2007
LOL, mine looked like that until I had a tummy tuck done. I have no belly button now. The surgeon told me he was removing it when he did my tummy tuck. Best wishes!! Mickey......
   — MCraig3

July 8, 2007
Mine looks like that and I had a tummy tuck, but only what the insurance would cover and not the anchor incision. I hope I can afford to have the top part of my abdomen fixed and get a boob lift sometime. I think it looks scary, but in a funny scary kind of way. I do all kinds of ab exercises and nothing appears to help with that. I thought it was just an issue of too much left over skin, but I don't know. Best wishes for health and happiness always, and if you find a fix for this, please email me.
   — djfoz

July 9, 2007
I think plastic surgery is the only help on this one... Mine looks the same... worse as my weight goes down. I think for me, the lower stomach area was stretched from pregnancy and then also from being obese. As the weight goes down, that skin just does not have the elasticity to shrink anymore. You made me laugh and feel better that I am not the only one with a "butt belly"!
   — robinmarra

July 10, 2007
It sounds as though many of us have the "front butt". Unforunately as you age, your skin gets stretched out and there isn't much you can do about that except by removing it through plastic surgery. I would like to eliminate my "front butt" too.
   — wheezer53

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