has anyone been able to get bypass with aniemia???

i just found out that my insurance changes as of july! however i have been approved for surgery on the 25th of june!!!! yehhhhh,but i have had to do all my bloodwork as of yesturday,and i am extreamly aniemic... i can get the band, but really wanted the bypass    — alaneanow (posted on June 19, 2007)

June 19, 2007
They will do Infusions immeadiately before your Surgery and while your in Recovery the days following. As they did to my girlfriend when she received an RNY Re-vision this past January, 2007.
   — Michael Eak

June 20, 2007
Ashley, you need to have a talk with your surgeon right away. They need to understand your insurance issues and what you want. I would not get the band if you really want the rny. You could be setting yourself up for a huge disappointment if you do. Why are you anemic? Is it lack of taking vitamins and eating iron rich foods? Or is there another issue? You don't have to answer me, but I ask because if it is vitamins and food, you can regain your iron levels, if it is another issue, having this surgery can cause you more harm than good in the long run. You have to consider if you want to take daily iron shots perhaps for the rest of your life? Look at both sides of the coin and consider carefully what you do next. Your surgeon is your best source of information here, and you need a good honest talk with them. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

June 20, 2007
I have doubts of any non emergency surgery being done if your levels are too low without giving you blood first. What if you have a bleed? That is possible with a band as well. I would hope whoever your doctor is they would not proceed if you are not safe, at least I hope not.
   — DonnaB.

June 20, 2007
Hi, a friend of mine (non-WLS) had plastic surgery postponed due to anemia. She was given iron pills and was able to have surgery 10 days later. Your levels have to be acceptable in order for the surgeon to operate. Eat lots of iron-rich foods, spinach, beef, steaks, liver, etc and take prenatal vitamin or iron tabs and your levels should increase. Also, your menstrual cycle impacts your iron levels too, especially if you bleed heavy. The doctor will advise you on the best course of action if you let them know whats going on. Also, I would not have the band if I wanted the bypass. Just my thoughts. Good luck to you either way you decide. Angela
   — A Q.

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