I am going crazy with the smell of food. I want to taste, eat

I find myself making trips to the kitchen to drink water, to walk, etc. i am over stirring dinner on the stove, and I didn't even cook it...I want to eat that little piece of meat, or taste the soup. I am getting the feeling like i am missing something. I had my surgery on the 3/13/06...I was fine until yesterday. its proving a battle. thank you.    — kublai92 (posted on March 21, 2006)

March 21, 2006
Hang in there it is just in your head, its your minds way of saying I miss those things give them to me now. before you know it you will be ready to start eating regular foods. Good luck on the new road to a leaner meaner you. ;-}
   — maria_sola

March 21, 2006
I had my surgery on the 2nd of March and I feel the same way. It is hard to put into words the feelings I have. I just miss the whole process of sitting down and eating an actual meal. You say that you feel like something is missing, well it is!!! Your whole life is different now, its a strange feeling but I know that in a few months I will be able to sit down and eat normal foods, just not a whole plate of it. It is hard since everything revolves around food! Stay strong, we will get through this tough part.
   — jomamma

March 21, 2006
I was the same way at first it does get better just hang in there.
   — ree

March 21, 2006
I was the same way at first it does get better just hang in there.
   — ree

March 21, 2006
I actually did better cooking and smelling the food. It took that head hunger away. Not cooking and smelling food really put me through the test. Once I smell the food I don't want to eat it. This happened to me the first 2 weeks after surgery. I had an RNY on Jan 3, 2006 and not much head hunger. Hang in there, it will pass. Kristy
   — Kristy

March 21, 2006
I actually did better when cooking and smelling the food. It took that head hunger away. Not cooking and smelling food really put me through the test. Once I smell the food I don't want to eat it. This happened to me the first 2 weeks after surgery. I had an RNY on Jan 3, 2006 and not much head hunger. Hang in there, it will pass. Kristy
   — Kristy

March 21, 2006
I too had the same thing. Like Kristy I liked the cooking and smelling and then passing on it. I also remember something that I learned in Weight Watchers that said go ahead and enjoy the smell and remember the way the food felt in your mouth and tasted and enjoy it because that is what you are actually craving (for me, anyway) and I don't have to worry about calories or weight gain. I am 7 months out and still do it. Especially, when hunger strikes and I am out with friends and we go to lunch or out to eat. I can then order something healthful without feeling deprived.
   — 1968 Loser

March 21, 2006
Diana, I had the same problem, but the thing is acted on them, I was packing my husbands lunch every morning and smelling and feeling the yummy cheesy rice cakes and I figurd one wouldn't hurt so little by little I got one down (a little over two weeks out)I went down fine ,well later on in the evening I was eating my dinner pureed chicken (it was allowed) and got the worst pain so I stopped eating and within a hour I was in excruciating pain and vomiting up blood . I vomited all night long, had an appt. to see surgeon and he immediatly put me in the hospital for dehydration and to find out what was causing all this to happen and had the x-rays with the nasty drink stuff and come to find out it was a blockage. Must be the rice cake swelled when it got wet and the rest is history I was able to go home the next day.So make sure you follow the Dr's orders I wish I had. Good luck you will be able to eat soon enough.Open RNY Sept 29th 2005-75 lbs so far.Pam
   — sunnie

March 22, 2006
I know how you feel, I cheated once and tasted
   — vlaster

March 22, 2006
I know how you feel, I cheated once and tasted -- DON'T DO IT!!! I got so sick! Now that I'm starting pureed foods today I'm scared I'll get sick yourself a favor and keep telling yourself....... I can do this if I take it one day at a time... for this moment I'm good, I can do this!
   — vlaster

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