Have sleep study scheduled for tomorrow night. Would like to know what to expect.

   — paula2930 (posted on February 27, 2006)

February 27, 2006
You will have wires attached to (seemingly) every bare spot on your body! LOL I don't know how they expect anyone to sleep with all that stuff on, seriously. They will attach wires to your scalp, chest, legs, even arms, if I remember correctly. All of this will record your vitals while you are "sleeping." Anyway, if you can get to sleep, they should be able to tell if you have sleep apnea, even if you only sleep for a very short period of time, and believe me, if I got 2-3 hours that night I was lucky. Other than the wires, it's a pretty easy deal.
   — Carlita

February 27, 2006
Hi! I have had 2 sleep studies (I do have sleep apnea). The other poster was correct about all the You will be quite a site after they hook you up :-) and of will have to go to the bathroom and they will have to unhook Anyway....they had me stop drinking any caffeine at 4:00 p.m. I had to be at the hospital at 9:00 p.m. We watched a video about sleep apnea and they explained the test. They took each one of us to a separate "bedroom". At the hospital where I had mine done, the sleep lab is in the basement of the hospital, so less noise. The room had a bed, nightstand and bathroom w/shower. It pretty much looked like a cheap hotel room, but the bed was very comfy. After you are all hooked up (they also put oxygen on you), you get into bed. They had a camera on me and spoke to me through a speaker. They would have me lay in a certain position for like an hour and then asked me to roll over, etc. I had an episode (stop breathing) during the study and they came in and put the c-pap on me. When I woke up the next morning, I felt like I finally understood what feeling REFRESHED means. I had NEVER felt that in my life. Hope that helps.. Tammy Oklahoma
   — Thin2WinNOklahoma

February 27, 2006
Hi, I just finished the 2nd half of my sleep study this weekend. I went to a center not the hosp, and they were GREAT! They even arranged for me to bring my sister who is mentally challenged with me and put a cot in the room for her. They told others have even brought their spouses! So every center or hospital is a little different. Everyone has already told you about the wires, however when I had to go to the bathroom, they were able to unplug me with my wires all together instead of having to take them all off. The 1st study, the ycollected all the info which is reviewed by a doctor that specializes in this. Then he sends a recommendation to my PCP dr. In my case, I have a mild case of apnea, which they recommended weight loss for, haha! So my doctor and I agreed I needed the machine. So I went back this past Saturday night, they did all the wires and camera's again as before, but this time with the machine. By the way, they give you a choice on the type of mask. I didn't like the mask felt very clostrophobic(can't spell) so I chose one the sits just inside your nostrils. Again its what ever you are comfortable with. Well in the morning I cant begin to put into words how GREAT I felt! I have NEVER woke up feeling like that before. "I told everyone this must be what it feels like to be a morning person!" It was better than any drug or anything I have ever done. I am waiting to hear when they are going to deliver my machine to the house. I am so excited about it! Good Luck with your Study, Maureen Rath [email protected]
   — rmc5605

February 27, 2006
It will probably take the tech about 1 hour to wire you up from what my husband said. I never had a sleep study, he has had 4. You will have to sleep on your back and from what I understand it is sometimes hard to get to sleep. You will not be given the benefit of any type of a sleeping drug, you will have to get to sleep on your own. Bring your own pillow and where sweats or something to sleep in instead of a nighty or the raw (if that is how you sleep now. They try to make you as comfortable as possible and from what I understand the room is like a hotel room but even more sound proof. I do not know if there is a tv or not. You may want to call they center and ask if you can bring a book with you. Most of the centers do not have shower facilities, you have to go home with out taking one. You will have goop in your hair from where they put the wire thingys. During the night they may come in and tell you they need to put on a c-pap or a bi-pap machine on you because of your snoring. This is so they can compare your sleep patterns after it is on from when you did not have one on. That is all that I can think of to tell you.
   — ChristineB

February 27, 2006
They wouldnt give you any meds, so if you have GERD, take your tums or whatever with you. Likewise they wouldnt give you sleeping pills, but you MIGHT be able to bring them with you.
   — bob-haller

February 27, 2006
   — mikedanziger

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