When I have to go"I HAVE TO GO NOW"!!!That very moment!

Does anyone have trouble with having bowel movements? As soon as the urge strikes I have to run to the bathroom or I'm in trouble! Has this happened to anyone else? Im almost 1 year post-op. :)    — balefran (posted on February 7, 2006)

February 7, 2006
I feel your pain, darling. For me, it was a symptom of my B12 deficiency. Since I started taking injections, the problem has been solved. But I know the feeling!!!!!!
   — L S.

February 7, 2006
Dear Friend, See a specialist. It could be several problems. I have had the same problem but, I think it is a combination of problems......the surgery, childbirth trauma and a history of obesity. I have in general been able to deal with the situation, however, I on occasion have an embarrassing situation. Love, CW
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 7, 2006
I have the same problem (surgery 11/7/05). My coworker who had the surgery 3 years ago also has this happen. I don't think there's anything wrong, just less intestines for food to travel through but i'm no doctor so if you're concerned, ask you doctor to be on the safe side. Just wanted you to know you're not alone.
   — sherita

February 7, 2006
In the beginning...yes I had the urge and when it came there was no holding back. To a potty now!! It does start to get better further out...Although when I have to go I have to go! I often wondered if the changes in our anatomy has something to do with this. More volume pushing through from the malabsorption? I think my body is adjusting to the change now and that is why I don't have as many urges.
   — dcox94

February 7, 2006
Did you have your gallbladder out at the same time? I had mine out years before my RNY and ended up with irritable bowel really bad. Over the years it has eased up and actually the RNY surgery has helped it even more. Could also be lactose intolerance if you are having milk products. Good luck!
   — Dinka Doo

February 8, 2006
That was how lactose intolerance affected me pre-op. My doc demands no milk for us (milk = sugar), but that was NO problem as 1 glass caused sudden acute cramping and the mad dash. Of course, at full size, it wasn't always easy to find a bathroom that fit me! But I've been all these nearly 12 years with no milk. I take protein for my protein, calcium for my calcium. You might try 24 or 48 hours without and see how you do.
   — vitalady

February 12, 2006
Our intestinal tract is horter, so sometimes that happens.
   — Novashannon

March 12, 2006
It was'nt that way pre op. But it sure is now!
   — Danmark

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