Do the cravings, constant eating or want to eat change?

I am a compulsive overeater. How will this change after the surgery?    — JEAN N. (posted on January 28, 2003)

January 28, 2003
For me, the cravings are there, but they aren't as strong as they used to be. I can eat one bite of something and stop. If I overeat, I KNOW I'll either be in pain, feel really sick, or BOTH. I still WANT to eat, I just know I have to stop, and I do. I don't wake up planning my day around food anymore. I've started planning my day around exercise. How weird is THAT?
   — Diana L.

January 28, 2003
Well, for me the first 6 months I didn't have much interest in food. I am not complaining in the least. But let me warn you, your old cravings will creep back on you. I still crave the Cheetos and sweets, that doesn't mean I give in to them. So how I gained a little self control with the surgery. Instead when I really need a snack, I grab something protein loaded. Just like I have hear a billion times, they are only operating on our stomachs, not our brains, so yes, those cravings do come back, they just may not be so intense and you may have much more control of your eating habits when they do.
   — bevewy

January 28, 2003
Just like the previous poster said, the 1st 6 months I had no appetite, I literally had to force myself to eat or I'd go into starvation mode. I am now 8 months post-op and a little upset b/c I have an appetite again. But it's not as strong as before. My huge problem was candy and sweets before the surgery. I unfortunately realized I can eat up to 20 grams of sugar a time w/o dumping and started eating candy again. I'm sure many people would disagree with me or say I'm doing bad, but I do eat candy now again. BUT, for instance, a individual sized package of candy can last me a week now instead of having 2-3 everyday. I'm also dealing with 2 illnesses right now and am out of school and no work, so I think alot of it is boredom for me. Once I get back on track, I think I can do better and won't have time for the candy. So, yes cravings can be there, but no where like it was before, and we just have to use self-control. I have lost over 100 pounds in 8 months, and am almost near goal.
   — Lezlie Y.

January 29, 2003
I am just nearing my 6 month mark (DOWN 100! sorry for yelling, I'm so excited!) But that alone, is what keeps me from making the wrong choices. This tool is designed to help you start making the wise choice. First you need to tell yourself that nothing is off limits - as soon as you totally deny yourself, you want it even more. IF I do want something, I eat something good for me first then, if I still want it, I save it for the last bite or two that I take. I don't feel deprived that way. But in most cases I choose not to have most sweets..... I also was a compulsive overeater (whole bag of oreos gone and I was the only one in the room.... you name it), but I have went from a size 28 to a 14 in less than six months, is it worth giving up a few things? YOU BET! Good luck!
   — Dana B.

January 29, 2003
I don't know if I'm typical or not but I eat with less enthusiasm than I did before. I will stand in front of the fridge looking for something but not really craving anything. I more or less eat because I have to not because I'm craving food. I know that sounds lousy but to be honest, this is the situation I have always hoped for; to eat when I need to and not because of habit. I just don't seem to get those hunger pangs much any more. Food has definitely taken a back seat to the other things that go on every day.
   — Michael N.

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