How do I explain RNY in simple terms to colleagues ?

   — Tracy K. (posted on July 10, 2008)

July 10, 2008
Life saver.
   — Kjackson2

July 10, 2008
WLS that will improve my health, reverse diabetes and diminish my chances of cancer by 80 %...and help me maintain a normal body size. The trade off, vitamins for life, yearly doc visits for labs, some loose skin, and 2-3 hour average surgery procedure...2 weeks recovery and 3-6 months healing time...and a little nausea here and there for a short time.
   — .Anita R.

July 10, 2008
Easiest way to explain the surgery, if that is what they are asking about, is to give them a pamphlet that you get from your doctor, or print a page up from PC and hand that to them. Let them read it at their leisure and absorb it as they can. Saves you from describing over and over and over. Lyn
   — SkinnyLynni2B

July 10, 2008
Interesting. Responses 2 and 3 are answers that deal with two different parts of the same question. Do your colleagues want to know the anatomy of the surgery or the outcome and effect it will have on your life? My guess is the later. I assume they want you to be healthy and happy. They care and are concerned about you taking this drastic step. They need to understand that this is a tool that you will be using to get control of your health in order to be the best you possible. In the same way they might use a gym membership, you and I need two gym memberships. The first gym rearranges our insides, the second gym is a lifetime membership of exercise and using our new tool. Where they can manage with one, we cannot, (everyone is different) and something drastic must be done. This is our choice. We choose life! If they don't get it, ignore them. They will see the wondrous benefits to you over time. All the best, Laura
   — waterlover

July 10, 2008
I was listening to a commercial on the radio about Lasic Eye Surgery.....I wondered why no one blinks twice when you say you're going to have your eyes done.....they certainly don't expect you to wear glasses all of your life if you don't have to.... The same with WLS surgery, for whatever reason your body chemistry has gone awry and you need WLS surgery to get your body chemistry working properly again. The latest research is that people who are binge eaters always say the same thing.....I'm am never NOT hungry...they believe this is a signal in the brain that in normal people is only triggered when the stomach does not have enough the binge eater that signal is stuck in the on position and never comes off. Without WLS surgery you haven't got a hope in hell!!!! For others, they eat the same as average people, but the brain keeps telling the metabolism not to work but to store store store...usually a result of long term yo yo dieting. Again, dieting will actually result in more weight gain. When the intestine is cut, the signal to the brain changes and instead of store store store, it says burn burn burn... For emotional eaters, you must see a psychologist or psychiatrist. WLS will not stop you in the long term. Get your issues sorted and then have the surgery as you've probably screwed your body chemistry along the way.
   — Fredricka MacLean

July 11, 2008
I am 4 months post RNY. I have lost 63# and co-workers have noticed. I am presently wearing a size 18 from a started at a size 26. I feel great and I am looking forward to the future. I don't feel I need to explain anything. I made a well informed decision (thanks to Kaiser's 6 month program prior to surgery). I am happy. Anyone who knows me, knows that I feel great. Explain - explanation needed. I don't recommend it either. It's a personal choice, one that has began to change my life and I have no regrets. I can't wait to see the coming months and years. Why explain. It's your personal choice and you won't regret it! Good luck. Yolanda.
   — sagarmy

July 11, 2008
I agree with Yolanda. Unless people are very close friends or family, I don't explain. It may sound like I don't trust people's motivations for such questions -- but after years and years of hearing many people talk about obesity like it is a huge character flaw ("did you see how she just let herself go? how disgusting!", I just don't think any explanation will truly satisfy their "curiosity".
   — Cathy 1.

July 11, 2008
I agree with Yolanda...100% !! This is a decision YOU made for yourself without any "input" from your "friends"...and I'm (almost) positive you don't need their "input" now !! They should be happy with the fact that this is "something" you did for YOU...and just YOU !!
   — debz_58

July 14, 2008
Well, I'm on the other end of the spectrum from Yolanda and the other ladies. I work for a small pediatric specialty hospital and it's like little Peyton Place, lol. How could my co-workers not know? I was out of work for 8 weeks and I came back looking pretty different! I'd much rather they have good information than they spread poorly informed rumors or bad information. Everyone who knows I've had the surgery has been very supportive and complimentary. That goes from the top (our Chief of Staff) to the regular working stiffs and even to our Food & Nutrition Services staff (who've made special items just for me). I've even had patients and parents of patients who've been very supportive. I'm almost 5 months out (LAP RNY on 2/21/08) and I'm down 83 pounds! I've had co-workers and families open up about their own experiences. I know several people who've had the surgery and have given me good advice and I know several who are considering it and I've been able to give them the details of my journey to help them along. I'm not ashamed to have people know because it was most definitely a decision that I made to give myself a chance at a much healthier, happier life. In fact, I'm very proud of myself for choosing this. I'm not bitter about the folks who may have made snide remarks about my weight. I think of them as the ignorant and uniformed. It's just like the joke about someone calling a person fat and the fat person responding about the name caller being ugly. We can (and have chosen to) change the fat situation. Ugly is forever! Anyway, the decision to tell folks or not is based on individual life experience. No, you don't owe anyone an explanation but if you'd like to share one, it may just inspire someone else to take charge of their health and you may be a blessing to someone else. Just my 2 cents. Good luck all!
   — dsmuffin

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