Women with PCOS

Has anyone been diagnosed with PCOS before having surgery and are now able to conceive naturally after surgery?? Thanks.    — MzLatin00 (posted on December 10, 2007)

December 9, 2007
I have had PCOS since 1989, or all of my life, I was diagnosed then. I had gained over 50 pounds in short amount of time and many negative pregnancy tests, that prompted me to figure out what was happening to me. I went on Metformin 10 years later and started losing weight like crazy, having a regular monthly cycle and eventually, got pregnant in 2003. I gained a ton of weight after my pregnancy though, and wasn't sticking to my low carb plan and was tired of taking the metformin. I made the decision to do RNY, Lap, and am hoping that even though I'm 40, that perhaps in 18 months, we may try to conceive again, with me at a much healthier weight. I've heard many people say that they've gotten pregnant soon after having gastric bypass, which is something you don't want to do. Get your weight down there, and be out at least 18 months before trying to conceive. I would say that if you lose a considerable amount of weight, even 50 pounds, could make the difference in your PCOS. I saw that your BMI is not very high, so you don't have as much to lose compared to some. I think getting the weight off will give you a much better chance of conceiving with PCOS. Your symptoms will more than likely disappear. Do you consult with a specialist in PCOS? I have a lot of great resources here in MN, and they even recommended gastric bypass for me. I'm off metformin and my BP pills and have lost 37 pounds since surgery in Oct. 2007. I know I'm ovulating, and have tested it. My cycle was off that first month, but like clockwork the second month. I hope that you have great success in your quest to get pregnant, but please wait for the baby's sake to concieve until you're out 12-18 months. It's very easy to get pregnant even a month out I was told by my surgeon. They were very adamant about birth control for me in that regard. Best wishes....Cheryl
   — Cheryl K.

December 10, 2007
I was diagnosed with PCOS back 5 years ago and had surgery during April of this past year. Before hand they told me that I could not concieve when I decided to (seeing as how Im only 15 now) and that going on Metaformin was the <i>only</i> way to become fertile. After surgery I began my cycles due to the quick weight loss and, thusly, have been confirmed fertile. So, basically, afterwards I am able to concieve. (Hope it helps! :D)
   — Loreley

December 10, 2007
I have PCOS and was diagnosed many years ago after gaining about 50lbs after high school. I just recently had RNY surgery (two weeks ago), but I have heard a lot of positive feedback about PCOS and fertility after having surgery. I am excited to see what happens!
   — jewels-okla

December 10, 2007
i have PCOS and have had problems with my hormones, menstrual cycles, wt gain, etc. since teen years- i'm only 26 now and about 2 years ago stopped having periods and began having severe spells of pelvic pain, which led to the diagnosis of PCOS. i always knew something was wrong, but the doctors just put me on the pill and said it would get better. i had lap RNY on oct. 1st this year and since have started my periods back and feel soo much better. my gyn told me that the surgery could only HELP the PCOS, in other words "go for it, you can't get much worse!" i have never been put on the metformin, because my gyn told me that he would only do that when i started trying to have a baby and couldn't conceive on my own. good luck and hope this helps...Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

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