Has anyone read 'The Hunger Within' book. Was it helpful?

Hi all- I am still pre-op, but some of my co-workers are taking a 12 week series based off of the book, "The Hunger Within". I am considering taking the series too. Has anyone read this book to deal with emotional issues post-op? Did it help you? I know that I am going to need some mental health support of some kind after surgery and am looking for the best avenue to do it in. Just wondering what everyone is thinking. Thanks!--Amy    — amysocko (posted on April 3, 2006)

April 3, 2006
Are you sure you are ready for WLS?? Why do you think you will need help with emotional issues? Have you ever been to a support group meeting within your town? This is best way to deal with questions, and get honest answers. Have you been seen by the Shrink yet. They are there to evaluate your situation. This is going to be the biggest journey of your life you ever have been on. You should take time to research out just what we have been through and how everyone handles the situations. If at this time you are depressed etc, it is only going to get worse, and I know some doctors will NOT perform the surgery. Before you get to far you really need to visit the shrink who is experienced in WLS Good Luck
   — Steve Cohen

April 3, 2006
Amy, Its good you recognize issues and I think the class would be a good coping skill for you. Especially post op. There are so many things that come up that we have buried in our fat that to have a skill to help us not eat our way back to where we came helps alot. I think I will look this book up on Amazon and check it out. I appreciate you bringing this up! I wish you lots of luck with your new journey. You will do well.
   — dcox94

April 3, 2006
Hi Steve- With all do respect, anyone who has been obese since the age of 9 is going to have an adjustment period after surgery. I never said that I was majorly depressed, only that this is a total and complete life change. I expect to have all kinds of emotions while I go through this process. I am very ready for surgery and psychologically sound. This is probably the most thought out decision that I have ever made.
   — amysocko

April 4, 2006
Hi Amy, I think that you should do the series. I am 3 1/2 years post-op and I know from myself and other support group members that old eating issues do surface the further out from surgery you get. I believe any steps you take to make yourself healthy and happy both physically and mentally are worth taking. By you being a part of this site and asking such good questions to gain all the information possible, will help ensure your success with WLS. Please do not let other comments made by some posters discourage you. You deserve support and I wish you the best. It sounds like you have a great group of co-workers and I definitely suggest you take the series. Best of luck to you.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 4, 2006
Hi Amy, I have not read the book your a talking about in your question. But I do know that most or all of us that have had WLS has food/ emotional issues or we wouldn't have needed surgery to lose weight. Prior to surgery and soon after surgery, I faced my issues which were emotional eating and boredom eating. Any book that will help us grow, learn, and develop to become healthier people is a great book. I would say read it!!! One really big thing that helped me 'change' my way of thinking about food is the fact that I truly wanted this surgery very much. I knew the pro's and con's to it and I accepted it all. I went in (to surgery) knowing that I would have to change my eating habits, I went in knowing I would have to take supplements/ vitamins everyday for the rest of my life, I went into surgery knowing I would have to make sure I got at least 70 grams of protein a day, I went in knowing that this was life altering; FOREVER... I feel that has helped me reframe my feelings regarding food and accepting this life long alteration. I wanted this surgery to get my health back and to be able to be part of life again. I just wanted to share what I think helped me the most dealing with the emotional part of the surgery. My best to you on this life changing journey. There is nothing I would change about it for me. Smiles, Jenna RNY 8/2/05 start weight- 260 current weight- 142. Feeling great and loving it!!!
   — jstatkus

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