
I am in the first stages.Getting approval my Doctor has written a letter to ins.But I find myself down in the dumps not wanting to do anything.just got to work and come home and eat of course,don't have the will power to go to the gym anymore I am tired I want this SURGERY WHAT CAN I DO TO GET OUT OF THIS DEPRESSION I'M ON PENS AND NEEDLES wondering if I will get APPROVED.....HELP SOMEONE    — lastchance (posted on January 18, 2006)

January 18, 2006
hi my name is donna and altho i do not have ins i am going thru a refi to do this surgery and have now been turned down by 2 mortgage companys i have been so depressed and was thinking of nothing but the surgery . I HATE BEING FAT!!!!!!!!!! do not give up!! have you seen the cartoon where the crane is trying to eat the frog the frog is in its mouth head first but then you look closer and see that the frog has its hands around the cranes neck and is choking the *&^%((*& out of the crane the caption is NEVER GIVE UP this is what you need to do. it is very hard i have been in this process for three months now get up !!get out !!force yourself to for your sanities sake you can't make the process go any further any faster by beating yourself up good luck and god bless and when you can't stand it anymore picture the frog choking the crane and maybe that will make you smile lol/lol
   — donna m

January 18, 2006
Don't get depressed. I was very anxious waiting to hear when I first applied. The answer came in 2 weeks and now I am 10 months post-op. Certianly do everything you can not to put more lbs on. It is an easy trap to fall into, the whole not knowing thing is hard. Stay encouraged- you will soon be prepping for surgery!!!!
   — ppaige

January 18, 2006
If you are on anti-depressants, I would talk to your doctor about upping the dose for awhile, and if you are not on them you may wany to talk to your doctor about starting them. Keep visiting this site and reading the inspirational stories. I am waiting for my 6 month Dr. supervised diet to be done so they can submit my info to insurance. The waiting is hard - I found that keeping busy is the best thing for me, during the holidays I hardly thought about it at all. Try and do what you can now to keep busy. I have been working out at Curves and drinking a ton of water and I feel a lot better when I do. Good Luck!!
   — classite

January 19, 2006
Hi there, I myself have gone through my own delays. I was fortunite that my insurance approved me but I had other things that delayed me getting the surgary -- I had a flood in my home in july in which my family lost everthing that was on the first floor of my home and I also lost my car. So I had to put the surgary on the back burner. Well in November I started the process again. After that I had somthing in My EKG (part of pre-op testing) so then I had to get my primary Doctor to clear me. Well after a month of testing he did and now I am on my way. While going through all this I keeped saying to my self it is going to happen and had a lot of support from members of this wonderful support group we have here. So keep your chin up it will happen and you will feel better.
   — Tina G.

January 19, 2006
I went through a similar thing. It took me two and a half years to get approval. During that time I think I came to grips with how much I needed to lose weight. I think what you are doing is confronting your feelings for the first time. I am now a little over a year post op and down about 100 pounds. The advice I would give you is to try to look ahead. If you work hard enough, you will get this surgery. GOOD LUCK. Yvonne
   — yvonne1953

January 19, 2006
I remember waiting to get approved was the most agonizing time of my life. The first time I was denied I went into a deep depression. It seemed as if everyone else in the world was able to get this surgery and then have their life changed. I had never felt so discouraged in my life. I eventually got approved, I never thought it would really happen. When we sent in the appeal I was so afraid of getting my hopes up that I refused to let myself believe it was possible because I was so afraid of being disappointed. I prayed and prayed. But I had to learn to trust. I had to remember that God loves me and only wants what is best for me. Don't give up. Pray and then pray some more. Put in in God's hand and then trust Him, because his love for you is infinite and He wants what is best for you. If for some reason it does not happen then it is because the surgery would have been worse for you than having it, because His will is for only good for you. Sometimes, when He makes us wait it is because He wants us to learn to trust in His love. Good luck and God bless.
   — pammatria

January 20, 2006
Deep brath! I suffered from extreme depression prior to surgery, too. Just hang in there!
   — Novashannon

January 20, 2006
Nichol, I am also in the first stages as well and I completely understand your depression. I feel like I am jumping through so many hoops between the doctors and the insurance company that I'm absolutely worn out! Please don't give up okay? I have found that everyone at this website is so caring and I keep coming here everyday to find hope and it keeps me going. I think I'm going to have to go on the 6 month supervised diet and that's something I didn't plan on but you know what? That's okay. I'll do that. I also found out I have to quit smoking 3 months before my surgery. I've been smoking for 30 years. I'm 44 years old and I have to quit smoking and that's okay too. That's the best thing that could have happened to me. It scares the hell out of me, but it's the best thing that could have happened to me. So I'm going on the patch and will quit. Having the surgery means more to me than the cigarettes. Every boulder that gets in my way, I'll find another way to get around it. Please stay strong and know that we're all in this together. Stay solid! Cheryl
   — wndycty

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