Just a Thank You to all about abortion advice

I just wanted to thank all of you that responded to my question about abortion. I know what my options are, and yes I have considered them all. My decision is a personal and private one, and one that I will make wisely for my own personal situation. I just wanted to thank all those that responded, especially with offers of help and offers of adoption as well as just simple "thinking of you" and "praying for you". I really do appreciate it. Plus, no one really flamed me. Just offered advice. For that, I am very appreciative. Thanks again all    — skennedy (posted on January 7, 2006)

January 7, 2006
I'm so glad that the OH people were so understanding. I read your post, but didn't have any useful advice, besides to do what YOU feel is best. I was worried that people may tear you apart on this issue, because it is such a hot issue and so very personal. This issue usually sends the nicest people over the edge. I shouldn't be surprised that the OH people were there for you, once again they have proven themselves to be a great group of people!!! I wish you all the best when making this very difficult decision. Lisa C
   — Lisa Michelle

January 9, 2006
I am glad all the advice was great. By the way "Siobhan" is my "other name" that I use in SCA, a group that recreates the medieval period LOL funny how many of us use it for alter egos. Good luck sweetie let me know if you eve want to chat. I have been where you are at and would be more then happy to talk.
   — Stephanie B.

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