Why do people feel they have to give their opinion on your looks after WLS?

I have associates (I can't call them friends because they are so negative) that feel that they have to voice their opinions on my looks. For instance, this woman told me that I looked bad. Another woman said that she liked the fat me better. But yet others say you look great! These things hurt! And who cares what you think. It's like people want you to be fat, unhealthy, & miserable. Not happy, full of joy, & confidence.    — tracibs1 (posted on April 1, 2011)

April 1, 2011
I'm having the same experience, primarily from women, but I've had a couple of guys comment too. I think most of the comments stem from jealousy and insecurity. I think you can expect to receive this type of response when you accomplish something others have not. Your weight loss and regaining your health are significant accomplishments. Rest in the comfort of knowing you made big steps to take control of your health and did what you set out to do. Although it's irritating, what someone else thinks of your decision or your appearance isn't important.
   — KiaSunRay

April 1, 2011
Bottom line a lot of women are jealous, PERIOD!
   — FSUMom

April 1, 2011
How much you want to bet that these same negative people will be asking you about WLS.
   — Kathleen W.

April 1, 2011
Women are jealous bi*ches don't pay people any mind
   — Frostbite25

April 2, 2011
Tell them "Go to your room! You're in time-out until you can play nice." Make it light hearted, even if it hurts. Like Oprah, lots of people thinks she is "better" when she's overweight, POOH! It's the same Oprah, she just looks like a million bucks. Or, go ahead and make them angry by saying "Oh, thank you ... you're just jealous."
   — Betty Todd

April 2, 2011
as the old saying goes, opinions are like assholes,everyone has one and some stink more then others, i assume you had surgery done for you, dont let others get you down, the ones that are being negative are trying to bring you down to their level.
   — dixienormous

April 3, 2011
Face it, it's the nature of the beast. Most people really don't want others to be successful... they will be jealous and petty, because they aren't having the same level of success. Couple that with the idea that many people view WLS as cheating... or taking the easy way out. Let it roll off your back, the same way you let it roll off your back when they called us 'fat'. Recognize that it hurts and that they probably aren't people that you want to be around.
   — Harry King

April 3, 2011
Wow, what are all these negative comments about women about? I had WLS 4 years ago and had nothing but positive support even though I wanted to pretend that I had always been seen as thin and wanted everyon else to think so too! Harry said it correctly - it comes with the territory. People are naturely going to notice you are loosing weight and need to say something to acknowledge the fact. No matter what anyone says, there is bound to be someone who takes offense. Just take it as an acknowledgement of your journey!
   — Muggs

April 8, 2011
I have had the same problem.They are no longer in the comfort zone they were before with us. We have changed but they didn't and it is difficult for them. They don't know how to handle the new us.It is easier for them to critisize and try to keep us in our old place than try to find a "new" place to put us. They would have to change their thinking and behavior towards us and that takes way too much effort for most people. So just smile and think that their behavior exists b/c they are small minded and lazy.
   — tandalyncarter

May 3, 2011
Alot of times the weight is shed very quickly so maybe alot of people did not know you were having surgery and maybe are wondering if you have discovered a weight loss miracle pill...But others who give negative opinions should keep them to themselves...Anyone who REALLY cares about you whether overweight or skinny should always give you positive feedback...Honestly, if it were me I would tell those people who are negative to EEEFFF OFFF!! And only keep positive people in your life...You deserve to have a wonderful life and you dont need anyones stuiped opinions bringing you down...:)
   — melissas2boys

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