Is anybody else experiencing extreme fatigue?

I'm 1 month post lap rny, and I am so weak and exhausted every day that I want to do nothing but lay in bed. I have to go back to the office next Monday (I've been working from home for 2 weeks) and I'm really worried that I won't make it through the day! I am not getting as much fluid or protein as I need, but I'm working very hard at it. I'm taking in as much of both as I possibly can. I'm also taking all my vitamins and supplements as recommended by my nutritionist.    — cathycros (posted on March 12, 2009)

March 12, 2009
Baby that's why you're so whipped. You need every ounce of fluid and every gram of protein. I went through this too. It's amazing what you can do when you have to. I "can'ted" myself into dehydration by saying "I just can't do all this liquid". But when I wound up back in the ER with a needle in my arm and 3 liters of fluids getting poured in, I found out what I "can" do. You gotta really push it. I know it's hard but it's doable and you will feel so much better for it. Good Luck!!
   — Shirley D.

March 12, 2009
Hi Cathy, I am guessing that your fatigue comes as a result of the anesthesia. I have had that experience after my gallbladder was removed. It took me 6 weeks to actually feel like myself again. I too had to go to work. I pushed through as best I could. I actually fell asleep once doing payroll. How embarrasing! Best of luck to you, Mary-Anne
   — mannecote

March 12, 2009
I can feel you. It took me a good 6-8 weeks to feel "normal" again, I was so tired. I was lucky enough to be able to stay off work during that time. I was like you, I took all my vitamins but didn't get all of my liquids in. But once that 7th or 8th week hit, I was feeling good again and had energy and ready to go. Don't give up, we are all different and experience this new adventure differently so keep up the good work and keep taking your vitamins. I am a little over a year out and have never gotten in all my liquids so I can't "preach" on that, smile, but do keep up with the vitamins.
   — PAWLLA L.

March 12, 2009
The beginning was so exciting for me that I felt so light every pound I lost...My energy level grew more and more...But I was in so much pain pre op that as the pain went away, if I was tired, I was just so happy to not have pain! LOL You have to remember that your body is starving and is trying to make you conserve energy in this time of starvation...You need to give it more liquids and protein as you can...Don't force it but do try to increase and you will begin to feel better! You might want to try eating several small meals daily to get in what you need! Good luck!
   — .Anita R.

March 12, 2009
Try a B-12 shot, and as far as getting your protein in, maybe try a different flavor. Chocolate fools me into thinking its chocolate milk. Just a suggestion
   — jadedpriss

March 12, 2009
Hi...I am 10 days post op & know what you are saying about fatigue...I take a few naps a day & sleep well at night. I am just going along with what my body tells me. Regarding the protein...if you have a shake in the AM--add 1 scoop flavored protein mix & 1 scoop unflavored protein with milk, if you have soup for lunch--add 1 scoop of unflavored protein to that also & blend, I also add it to Dannon lite & fit vanilla yogurt,mix &'s like eating ice cream & you can't even taste the protein powder...that's how I've been getting in all my protein--even more than needed! Hope this helps a little & best of luck to you in your journey:) Hugs, Diane
   — angel325

March 12, 2009
I never had the fatigue, but what I have done is drink the Isopure drinks - the ones that are already prepared in the 20 ounce glass containers. They have 40 grams of protein. They are a bit strong so what I do is mix half the bottle with water to cut the strength a bit. It is a way to get 40 grams of protein and 40 oz of fluid at the same time. I am now almost 4 months out and do pretty good at getting protein through my food, but still do half a bottle a day just to make sure I am getting protein.
   — Dawn A.

March 12, 2009
I'm 5 weeks out and just now coming slowly out of that feeling of true fatigue/weakness. I hear ya. Be gentle on yourself - you've had a big surgery, anesthesia, your body is trying to build a new digestive system, heal incisions, and on top of it you're losing weight and probably not getting very many calories. So fatigue is normal - the ABnormal thing is the way we torture ourselves and force ourselves back to work before we're healed. If you can't get moving without a rest, your body is telling you it needs rest. Like you I go back next week; going to do half days for a week, and will work 2 of those at home as I try to ease back into it. Take care of yourself and listen to your body ... your strength will come back as you heal and get the right nutrition working!
   — mountainmike

March 12, 2009
This too shall will begin to get stronger and you will have more energy than you know what to do with. Have fun with it..I am like a white tornado at home enjoy your new life.
   — bridgetann1961

March 13, 2009
Michael Johnson is right. You've got to remember that you've just had major surgery and your body is healing. My PCP said she wished all lap surgeons would paint an incision line on their patients as a reminder that they've just had major surgery.
   — Muggs

March 13, 2009
Hi Cathy, I was the same way. I was lucky enough to be off work though. I have found that unjury's protein powder is great tasting and full of protein and you can mix it with whatever you like to drink. The fatigue will pass and then you will fill great. Just make sure you get your liquids and protein in they are important. Good Luck, Regina De
   — ReginaDe

March 13, 2009
All of the posts are right you need to give yourself more time. Major surgery takes a toll on our bodies and it takes longer for some to bounce back.You've got to get that protein and stay hydrated.You can buy B12 sublingual at any vitamin shop & it will help boost your energy. Due to thyroid cancer, I give myself B12 shots weekly, especially when I've been pushing myself and not resting.If you don't address this now,it could get worse,so slow down and take care of yourself.
   — amistique569

March 13, 2009
Hi Cathy, I had my lap rny on 2/9; I did wonderfully until 3 wks post. I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. Thanks for the question that I haven't taken the time to ask. Take Care we can do this!!!! Pam ps: I just trying not to think water and more popsicle-hot tea. I ate some canalope that was full of water. Let me know how you are if you can. (prdurham)
   — prdurham

March 13, 2009
like any surgery you may be tired but you need to try and get back to your regular routine as much as you can. have you talked with the diet people regarding not getting enough of fluids and protein. this can effect your feeling tired but as you get to feel better you should be able to drink more. good luck.
   — hersheylk

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