Hacking cough and slightly runny nose 7 days post op

I had RNY 12-28-06 I was coughing every other breath before going under. They assured me all would be OK. I came out on drugs so the coughing subsided (Thank God). I am now 7 days post op and have a runny nose and am coughing every breath. I've had this stuff since before Thanksgiving. About the time I think I'm getting well I get sick again. It is really hard to cough after surgery. I also recently started have swelling of the soft pallet that surrounds my throat. Any ideas what might be wrong. I called my doctors PA and asked for antibiotics which they did not give me. Oh well what do you think? I've been sick for over 7 weeks now.    — akndesigns (posted on January 4, 2007)

January 4, 2007
You should RUN to the doctors office. Go to a regular doctor. You should not be sick for 7 weeks.
   — gerardlovesjoy

January 4, 2007
I had sweeling of the soft pallet, and I figured it was from surgery. It was gone in about 5 days and I haven't had a problem. Go and see a doctor, and get a culture or something to find out if this is a viral or bacterial infection. Good Luck Diane
   — Diane C.

January 5, 2007
You really should go see a doctor instead of calling one. Let them see how sick you are and hear how that cough sounds. Please make sure whatever they prescribe for you to take that you call your gastric doctor and clear that medicine with him/her first. I hope you get well soon!!!
   — soon2bthin07

January 7, 2007
I to have been caughing my head off since the surgery and am 7 weeks post-op. I have been spitting up thick mucas, I am going to the hospital for my check up today and will hopefully find out why.. I will let you know what they say. I was told in the begining that it was normal to caugh after surgery because of the anistiesia it helps to clear out your lungs, but I've been doing it for 7 weeks. Do you smoke?
   — angel19

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