How long should internal pain last after surgery?

I am only three weeks out but still have a lot of internal abdominal pain (it comes and goes). I also have a lot of back pain in addition to the nausea, etc. I am on protein shakes and eating small tid bits of real food as tolerated. Overall, I would say I am pretty miserable! I was just wondering how long I can expect to feel so poopy??? I have not really been able to discuss this with my surgeon at Kaiser as he has re-scheduled my follow-up appointment three times now. So your input would be appreciated!    — Renea U. (posted on April 1, 2003)

March 31, 2003
Hey there. I am sorry to hear that your aftercare has been less than great. I would say that my internal pain lasted for about the first month or a little more. But the more I walked the better I felt. Since there is so much gas in your system and meds sometimes it seems as if you will never feel any better. Trust me it does get better. Also, please follow up with your surgeon and explain that you realize he/she may be busy but you need to have a follow up appointment. You have questions and concerns about how you are feeling. Tell them you feel your aftercare is the most important thing at this point in your recovery. If he/she can't see you ask for the nurse or ask to see someone else in the practice. If only to get your concerns/questions answered and to get some advice. Truthfully my doctor had me on soft foods at this stage. I did not start real food until about 4 weeks out. ADVICE ONLY: You may want to limit yourself to foods that work with your body right now. Try a food and see how your body reacts to it. If you do fine with it great. If not, try it again in a couple of weeks. That has really made all of the difference for me.
   — Kitty Kat

March 31, 2003
I am two months out and my belly still hurts and has several areas of soreness in it. I wore tight jeans yesterday and paid for it with pain . As far as feeling poopy, I AM feeling much better now than I did one week ago so it does get better.
   — Delores S.

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