Why is my PCP ordering a bone density test?

Last month while seeing my PCP, he mentioned in January 2003, he would be ordering for me to have a bone density test. What is the purpose of having one and is it *invasive* or not? I'm not good at having to be stuck with needles, etc...Thanks!    — yourdivaness (posted on December 30, 2002)

December 29, 2002
I just had a bone desnsity test and it is NOT painful at all. It is an X ray. You just lay on the table and it takes a scan of your spine, and hip area. Takes about 10-15 minutes. Be glad your doctor is running a scan. I wished I would have requested a scan before my surgery. I have never been big on taking in calcium and now I am paying for it. I have very thin bones. Have started to take a Rx for it once a week. Now I have to increase my calcium to 2500mg and 400 units of vit D DAILY. He said I should see a big diffrence in about a year. If I would have known about this prior to surgery I would have taken care of this . So be glad he is ordering the test. Also every year when you go back to be retested you can watch the progress of your bones. Bone density testing is a Good thing. Good luck. Hope this helps.
   — sandy W.

December 29, 2002
Its the EASIEST test you'll ever go through. Your clothes are all on and you're lying on a bed type table. The technician will just put a probe next to some of your bones and it just registers on a monitor. NO PAIN! nothing to stress about HONEST! Its good to have a base line to see if your losing bone mass later.
   — ZZ S.

December 30, 2002
Now I get it!! This bone density test will also make "us" aware of how the calcium is being absorbed in my bones, huh?
   — yourdivaness

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