What can I do to move this plateau??

I will be 11 weeks post op on tomorrow and I'm really concerned that I'm on a plateau and it just won't budge. I've lost about 30lbs+ to date and the scale won't move AT ALL!! Desptie my efforts to get in 64ozs. of water per day (I can only get down 40 ozs. with 100% effort) and doing my exercise (walking & will attempt to start playing tennis in about 1 month). I'm also concerned that I will be the one that this WLS will not work for. I've come a long way, and would appreciate some "pointers". I'd like to have lost at least 20-30 more pounds by December 19th. Should I start back at Stage I or II? Can anyone offer any suggestions??HELP!!    — yourdivaness (posted on November 18, 2002)

November 18, 2002
I will give you the same advice that I got when I hit my plateau at two months...Do what you know to do (up the excercise and water) will come off. One of my dearest friends is over a year out and she told me the worst part about a plateau is worring about it. I found that once I was able to eat a little more (especially protien)the weight comes off at a more regular pace. Good luck! Stop worrying and enjoy life!
   — Laurie V.

November 18, 2002
Really try hard to get that water in. You will be surprised how important it is. In the beginning I had a hard time getting it in, so I got straws and it makes a world of differnce. Also, have you tried seeing how many calories you are taking in. You may be too low on them and your body doesn't want to let go of your fat because it thinks you are starving. At three months out I added water areobics to my exercise routine, at 4.5 months I added weight training. You have to keep increasing your exercise, so your body continues to burn. Hang in there. You will lose it. Cheryl 5.5 -97lbs
   — Cheryl S.

November 18, 2002
My weight loss had really slowed down at about 4 months post op. I started taking Real Meals and it really speeded up again. It has 60gr of protein that I split into 2 shakes a day. Remember protein will increase your basil metabolic rate that will burn fat faster without losing you muscle underneath. Real Meals also not only has the 100% whey protein it also has the whey peptides. Which means that almost 100% is almost instantly absorbed.
   — Marie I.

November 18, 2002
I don't think you are on a just feels like it....I have been told a TRUE PLATEAU is no weight loss for 4 weeks.....your body is trying to adjust. Up your protein and your water and change up your exercise. WATER is really important....try to get it all in. Sharon 310/210 05/13/02 OPEN
   — Sharon H.

November 18, 2002
Try tracking what you're eating in terms of grams of protein, carbs, fat, etc. There's no info here on what or how much you're eating, so it's hard to say whether you could try something different (short of going back to liquids or pureed foods -- why??). It could be you're simply on a plateau, which is natural for many people losing weight, especially when they are losing quickly and the body has so much to adjust to after surgery. I have to say, though, that it's a safe bet you aren't going to lose 20 or 30 pounds in the next thirty-one days. If that's the definition of a WLS failure, count me among the happy failures. :) Or was that a typo? :D
   — Suzy C.

November 18, 2002
At 9 months post-op, I have experienced a few small plateaus. For each one, upping the protein, upping the water, and upping the exercise helped to move it along. Early on, upping your calorie intake also helps as it "tricks" the body into thinking your no longer starving it so it stops hoarding the fat. I'm on a month long plateau right now and about to start the upping routine again....sigh.
   — Cindy R.

November 19, 2002
Well I checked your profile and you started at 235 - which makes you a lightweight. No offense intended :>) Keep in mind that light-weights tend to lose slower and 30 pounds in 11 weeks isn't that unusual. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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