I work in the Medical Records Department

I work in the Medical Records Department of the hospital I am having surgery at. I plan to only tell a few "close" Co-workers about the surgery. I am really concerned that other co-workers will go look at my record once I am discharged. It really makes me upset and I want to tell my boss my concerns. Has anyone else been in this position? Eventually they will all know, but I still don't want them reading my personal information. Also, Tomorrow I am telling my boss my surgery date is December 31st,and I do not plan on telling her why just yet either. Any advice what to say? Thanks Kristie    — Kristie M. (posted on November 10, 2002)

November 10, 2002
Most offices have a policy about confidentiality. I am sure yours does too.I would definetly discuss your concerns with your boss. It is not only morally wrong for co workers to'snoop' but I think it is also legally wrong-not sure about that one though. I would hope that if anyone looked in your chart, when they had no need to besides to be snooping,they would be fired immediately. It may not hurt to be truthful with your boss- there is a confidentiality policy there,too. If you are honest with him/her, then they may be open to policing your chart and watching for 'snoopers.' Good luck!!
   — Jan S.

November 10, 2002
Kristie, A friend of mine works in one of our local hospitals and had to have surgery 4 months ago (non WLS). The hospital where she works allows it's employees to register with a pseudonym for their privacy and security. Could this option be available to you? As for your boss, how about telling her it's personal and you don't care to discuss it at the present time OR that you will be having a hernia repair/adhesion removal from previous surgeries OR if the two of you are close- tell her the truth but tell her to keep it to herself.If others find out-you'll know she told! Hope this helps maybe there are some other ideas forthcoming to you good luck and I'll pray for you to have a complication-free surgery and recovery. Julie S. in Louisville Ky
   — Julie S.

November 10, 2002
Kristie, I also work at a hospital and know that this does happen no matter what. There are definitely rules for patient confidentiality as we are all aware. Unfortunately we also know there are some people who feel these rules don't apply to them as long as they don't tell anyone outside. My advice is to just tell those you want and if others find out would it really make a difference? This is for you and not anyone you work with so be proud and comfortable in your decision to be happier and healthier.
   — Laura H.

November 10, 2002
Dear Kristie, I work as a transcriptionist in the medical records department where I had my surgery. No one has the right to read or go through your medical records. You probably should tell you boss what is going on and that you would like for her to keep this confidential. Your hospital may also let you use a different name if you are really phobic about this. But you should talk to the director or even you physician. Since your hospital should have a privacy act in place, anyone who is caught discussing or just fooling around with your personal medical information can be fired. Good luck.
   — Patricia K.

November 10, 2002
Hi: I worked in a Medical Records Department for years as a coder and transcriptionist. Unfortunately, if you do not want anyone to know, you cannot go to the hospital you work for. Sad, but true. Even if you use a pseudonym, people will see you in the hospital. There are also many people who are legitimately entitled to have your charts pass through their hands, such as chart assembly people, those who analyze the chart and the coders. As a coder, I had complete access to all inpatient medical records. There are too many people who are required to have access to the chart in order to do their jobs. Sorry, but I have worked in hospitals for so many years, I know the deal. Of course, those who have authorized access to the charts should not be discussing your case. But the hospital community is small, even in a large hospital. Hope the pseudonym works. Good luck. Love Grace
   — Grace H.

November 11, 2002
If they look in your record and tell anyone what they found they lose their job. Easy as that. Of course if they all look and don't talk I guess you couldn't prove it. Why don't you want them to know, they are going to see you losing wt?
   — Dana S.

November 11, 2002
Thanks everyone for your advice. I know everyone will know of my surgery after the fact, but before I plan on telling only a few people I know won't talk or judge me. I just want my information kept private and I have that right. I don't know that my hospital would give me a "fake" name, but I will check into it. Regardless, everyone in my department would beable to go into the computer and see what I am in for. Oh well, its the last thing I really should be worrying about. I am so excited to get this done! Kristie
   — Kristie M.

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