How much of the LAP RNY-proximal or distal yields the most successful weight loss?

I'm interested in knowing if I have a choice in asking which or how much of the intestines or whatever is to be bypassed...I've heard that distal yields the best weight loss and results. Others say medial...and still others say proximal "with an option" of... Does anyone have advice or information on what I should do? What's best between proximal, distal and which one will produce the best weight loss? I suppose there are side effects of each...HELP!    — yourdivaness (posted on July 2, 2002)

July 2, 2002
The more distal the procedure, the larger the malabsorptive component of your weight loss will be. The RNY and DS induce weight loss by restriction (smaller stomach to hold food) and malabsorption (changing the intestines can decrease the efficiency of your body as far as absorbing calories). Over time, EVERYONE'S pouch or stomach the restrictive aspect of weight loss, to some degree, will decrease over time. Changing the intestines around introduces a malabsorptive component to the weight loss, meaning that you don't absorb the food as efficiently as the normal arrangment of intestines. This part of the procedure can help maintain or continue weight loss once the restrictive part decreases. You ALWAYS have the option to ask! If you don't ask, you may not get what you want!
   — Pamela B.

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