What steps did do you have the go through to qualify for the wls with ILL medicaid

   — mrsdwonwhite (posted on July 7, 2009)

July 7, 2009
What I would suggest is to get in touch with ILL medicaid. Don't stop calling until you get an answer. If you need to, ask to talk to a supervisor. The insurance companies (& medicaid)don't want to lay out that kind of money up front. I'm sorry if I sound so aggressive, I'm usually not. We're all dealing with trying to make ourselves better and to improve our health.
   — Kathleen W.

July 8, 2009
I don't know if Medicaid is this way but most insurance companies want at least 6 months of a supervised weight loss program, example: Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Dietician, co morbidities, (sleep apnea, high blood pressure) most insurance companies will have an exclusion clause stating that weight loss is not covered, unless deemed medically necessary. So that probably would be the same with Medicaid. Hope this helps. Call Medicaid and ask what there exclusion clause is, and bug them until you get an answer. Have your doctor submit all information to Medicaid and either they will accept or deny it. If they deny it, keep filing appeals until they accept you. Best wishes to you.
   — Kristy

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