Dizziness - Hypoglycemia?

I am 3 months post op and like the previous question posted, I, too am suddenly suffering from bouts of severe dizziness to the point of almost passing out (but no numbing or tingling.) I am getting in all my vits and protein and fluids. I am waiting for bloodwork results to come back. If it turns out to be hypoglucemia, how is that treated?    — Patricia R. (posted on February 24, 2007)

February 23, 2007
I think you have to regulate your meals and add a little more carbs(probably fruit) so that your blood sugar doesn't drop too low. My Grandma was diabetic and she always had some kind of hard candy in her purse in case her sugar dropped. I think this is a condition that can be controlled with diet. Good luck and hope you feel better. Crystal Williams
   — crystal W.

February 25, 2007
I am hypoglycemic and there is only one way to stay on top of it and that is to stay off the carbohydrates. No grains or legumes. No sugar of any kind and no high carb vegetables. No cheating. Feeling sorry for yourself and cheating will only lead to more problems and that's the truth. Alot of nutritionists advise clients that they can go ahead and eat whatever they want or as my nutritionist said I could incorporate breads, corn, wheat and so on. NO! Along with caffeine, all the above are no-no's. For us hypoglycemics, they cause the blood sugar to rise and then crash...which causes hyperinsulinism and eventual plateaus or weight gain. Go back to the basics...protein first and then a low carb vegetable or low carb salad. Otherwise, why did you get the is not the end of this is but the first tool, to be followed with the most important tool of all...the diet. I do protein shakes shakes every morning...sometimes putting them in a tiny icecream maker to make it like soft serv icecream. So good! I love the IDS protein bullets as a midday boost when I can't break to eat...I am an accountant and at tax time I can't always break while I am doing returns. They are really tangy but do the job for the next 2 1/2-3 hours when I need to eat some meat. I am able to eat a few cashews at bedtime every night to give me the fiber I need for regularity. Good luck, be smart and get the book "Before and After" by Susan Marie Leach nancy
   — nancymweasel

February 25, 2007
Hi Patricia I had the same thing happen. I am a diabetic, however my sugars were in the normal range. I was getting dizzy and that was a concern. Are you checking your blood pressure? I was testing that twice a day and found that my BP was low and I was taking a diuretic 2-3 times a week for fluid retension. My primary care physician had me stop the diuretics and monitor my BP's. It has taken about 3-4 weeks with labs being done in between and the dizziness appears to be gone. Check with you physician for best results. Make sure there isn't something else going on. Take care
   — toula21

February 26, 2007
Well, I've always wondered if I have the same problem. Diabetes runs in my family, but the only time my sugar has ever been high was during my pregnancy. It's always run low other than that. Plus, I've always had low BP (avg 110/80). Now, I have really low BP (avg 90/60). So, it's dropped about 20 pts. I just did my 6 month labs & am waiting on the results. I've been told that I may be slightly anemic & need more iron. I get dizzy A LOT, esp when getting up - even if I do it slowly - and sometimes, I almost pass out. I have to stop & grab onto something. Any of this sound familiar?
   — byHizgrc

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