Surgery aftercare support

How much aftercare do you need in the early stages after you have your surgery? I live alone, but may be having my father around to help out just out of the hospital, but he is probably only staying the first day or two after I get home from surgery (RYN LAP). Is that going to be enough? Has anyone else gone through the surgery with little to no inhouse support?    — hdellinger (posted on March 22, 2006)

March 22, 2006
Hi Heather- this is a question right up my alley. I am single, live alone, and before WLS i still had 3 severe injuries. I had open RNY, and when I came home, it was a breeze. I am a firm believer its nice to have people around to fetch and carry things, however, the healing process of this surgery requires a lot of walking, no lifting etc, and believe me, you can easily take care of yourself post op. It all depends on if you want others around or if you have small children at home. For me, I had learned way before surgery how to get up and down from all the furniture and the potty because of the need for a hip replacement, so it was a no brainer for me to do this by myself. My mom wanted to come, but i was tickled to say I could do it by myself. The only thing I would have wanted, was someone to rub my back once in a while, and tell me a job well done, but it wasnt necessary. As I said above, if you are the kind of person who needs people around you, have someone in, otherwise, I believe you will be very proud of yourself for taking good care of yourself. Congrats on your upcoming journey- this is such a life changing surgery, and even though it is a tough decision, it is one you would make over and over again once you start to see the change in your life. God Bless you Cindi/ #220
   — DollyDoodles

March 22, 2006
I would like to echo Cindi's comments. I too live alone, had a Lap RNY and did just fine. My Mom wanted me to stay with her for a few days, but I was able to do all of my self care before I left the hospital. Best wishes and good luck on your recovery.
   — nursenut

March 22, 2006
HI Heather, I am actually married but my husband is military and the nearest surgeon is a 3 hour drive away. Post-op I stayed in a hotel by myself for week until I had my follow-up appointment. Truly, it was not bad especially since your surgery will be Lap. I hope this helps.
   — Tiff's On a Mission

March 22, 2006
I too am like Heather. The weekend before surgery I took off and gave the house a good cleaning because if I didn't I would end up doing it while recovering. I then stocked up for food during this time and way over estimated what and how much I was going to be able to eat. I had a friend who called nightly to see how I was doing and see if I needed anything but I didn't. After the first week he would pick me up and take me to the walking trail or Wal-Mart so that I could walk around and get out of the house since I was unable to drive for two weeks. It truly was a breeze considering the type of surgery I had.
   — 1968 Loser

March 22, 2006
I too was single and had some support at the hospital, but I was on my own nearly 3 days after the laproscopy. I was fine and could pretty much do things for myself. Thanks. sue smith
   — missysmith

March 22, 2006
i would like to say it is easy to do the after care , i did it and took care of my husband and my daughter and my sister and her two kids , none of them helped me out so you could say i did it all on my own . and yes for about the first three months or so you will bew doing alot of walking and no to very lil lifting . so good luck and hugss and i will keep you in my prayers
   — lizzie72

March 22, 2006
My surgeon insisted that I stay with someone for a week after the surgery (lap RNY). From the day I was released form the hospital I would have been fine on my own. My caregiver was disappointed that she was not able to do more for me. In fact I even wound up helping her serve and clean up the dinner that she and her husband had my first night there. She made me show her my scars because I was doing so well that she found it hard to believe I had even just been through surgery!
   — cindizzy

March 23, 2006
How do you get out of bed, or up from sitting? You may need some help the first 2-4 days out from surgery. Do keep someone on speed dial incase you have some bad symptom and need to be taken to the emergency room suddenly.
   — tweazee

March 24, 2006
Oh, my! What a strong bunch you guys are! I was also alone after my surgery, and the thing I most needed was someone to help me get out of bed. Without a helping hand, I relied on a rope tied around the foot of the bed, with knotted loops every foot or so. Before I lay down, I'd make sure the rope was next to me, then when I woke up, I could just grab the loops and use my arms to pull up, instead of my stomach muscles. If you have a recliner, consider living in it for a while after surgery. If you don't have one, go buy a cheapie one! or see if a loving friend will loan you one. Good luck! --Mary
   — mwilson523

March 24, 2006
Lucky my wife is a nurse and was around a lot after my WLS. Things can happen keep a cell or cordless phone on you at ALL times. I slept on a small pillow to make getting out of bed easier. Once the pillow moved and upon waking I was stuck and couldnt get up:( I called out whale on the beach, to get my wifes attention.Even today it was a funny moment! The phone is in case you need help, from a friend or 911 if all else fails.
   — bob-haller

March 24, 2006
NEVER DRIVE WHILE ON PAIN MEDS! I heard of a lady who got a DUI while driving herself home from the hospital after major surgery. Our surgeon brought this up at a support group meeting. She could of been charged with homicide by vehicle and ended up in jail if something bad happened....
   — bob-haller

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