How long does it take to have a bowel movement

I am 1 week post op, and I am having a hard time with my bowels. What is the normal after rny surgery?    — hansbl2 (posted on June 10, 2010)

June 10, 2010
I am 2 1/2 weeks post op. My doctor said if I had not had a bowel movement by day 4 post op-take something. I took one dose of Miralax and haven't had to take anything since. Good luck and congratulations!
   — Maggie P.

June 10, 2010
I am 6months out now but when I was a week out my visiting nurse suggested that I take a small amount of prune juice, she also suggested to warm up the prune juice a little and it will make it work even better. Good luck in your new journey.
   — Mary D.

June 10, 2010
Just another road detour with this surgery, but it is well worth it. I have suffered so much with constipation that I had to go to the hospital with this problem. You need to ask your Dr, I took colace, MOM, stool softeners to no avail. The problem is the protein shakes. They constipate, I can't tolerate meat as my protein source. I am 10 months out and I am going pretty nicely now, I am back taking products like Barleans Greens, it is a powder you mix with water, however you need to ask your Dr, I wasn't allowed any carbs for six months or until I lost 75% of my weight. Hang in there my weight loss sister, it's so worth it.
   — FSUMom

June 10, 2010
My doctor recommended a fiber powder. At times, I had to use it along with Miralax. At 6 months out, I just use fiber tablets. Keep in mind that your bowel movements will be considerably less and may not occur every day.
   — MargaretHM

June 10, 2010
It was exactly a week for me. I didn't take anything for it to happen.
   — kllawren3

June 10, 2010
This is a normal condition after the surgery. Remember that you had liquid diet before the surgery ( in most cases) that would have gone right through your bladder. I was in the same boat as you are in and I forced and now have to co ntend with painful hemmorids. I now just have to take oatmeal in the morning and I am going once a day. Remember to drink lots and that will get yourself going. Try prune juice diluted that works too. I stay away from the store bought items if possible.
   — OntarioSilk

June 11, 2010
I went 7 days without having a bowel movement and had to take a laxative to help things along. And that had me having a bowel movement every time I ate for about 4 days... So beware.
   — Monica H.

June 13, 2010
My Dr told me to take Milk of Mag. oh my goodness did that do the trick you may have to take it 2 nights in a row to get things going but it works, Im 6 mo out and I still take it .......
   — babynurse1

June 15, 2010
I had big problems with constipation as well, i tried stool softeners, supositories, enamas and milk of magnisium, and some fiber powders mixed with water all for me did not do anything i was about 2 weeks and i asked my husband to take me to the emerg and the doc said to me that i got inpacted, and nothing i was trying was going to get it out, that it was at the point he had to losen it up on his own, and fallowed by 2 enimas, don't wait to long try these other methods even better call your surgeon and tell him maybe he can priscribe you something.i couldn't sit on my bottom it hurt so bad down there, drink as much water as you can, now i'm ok sometimes when i get constipated i take sena tea. it works great for me.
   — claire G.

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