Surgery = success. Marriage > next

Had surgery and lost weight, found a fiance. Please visit this crate and barrel sponsered contest and make all my dreams come true    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on February 4, 2010)

February 4, 2010
If you think that surgery will guarantee a successful marriage,you need further psychiatric counseling. A marriage based on body weight is destined to failure and it is an insult to anyone's intelligence. If I'd gotten my surgery in the hopes of having a "perfect" marriage (it's been 41 years and pretty darn good), I'd be disappointed. Life is tough and true love is not based on body weight but on your value as a person. Rethink your goals.
   — Kathy T.

February 4, 2010
my doctor sessions said 50% of the married people who have the surgery end their marraige. Either they leave or the spouse leaves. So It is not a way to find happyness just a way to be healthier in whatever mess your in.
   — trible

February 4, 2010
What on EARTH was that answer about? From what I read, she was simply looking for people to vote for her in this contest to win wedding stuff - she didn't say anything about weight loss giving her the perfect marriage? What's with the hostility? This is SUPPOSED to be a place for support. I don't know her whole story - nor will I - since she is now deactivated and LEFT the board .... I just don't understand your hostility. Marriage is hard, I was married to a man who constantly belittled me for being overweight eventhough I was the whole time we dated and was 300 pounds when we married - he still says that is one of the reasons he didn't want to be with me and cheated on me, and is now with an anorexic woman. His issues run FAR deeper than that - he is a terrible father and I am better off without him, but count your blessings that you have someone in your life that stuck by your side and try to treat others with a little more kindness and support. I'd like to be married again someday - and I would have been in tears after your blast if I was just looking for support to win a wedding contest - as we all know weddings are as expensive as fancy cars these days! IMHO
   — Diane324

February 5, 2010
I agree with Kathy. Marriage is like anything else worth having- it's hard work.
   — Maria V.

February 5, 2010
Posted my vote. Best of luck to you!
   — przybylc

February 6, 2010
I agree with Kathy; however, if anyone is being hostile I believe its you Boze. Clearly this site is being used for all types of issues, and concerns. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and since you don't know the "whole story", let people answer as they wish. It's an open forum!
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 7, 2010
To:HEIDI FIGUEIREDO I don't know if you will get this message because it shows that you are deactivated member( I assume that you have go ne private) But in the case that you do. CONGRATULATIONS on your weight loss and your increased self esteem and your up coming wedding. I for one voted for you. and like you said in your bio. "don't sweat the small stuff"
   — OntarioSilk

February 7, 2010
HEIDI, I also wanted to mention that like you 4 of my 5 children met their spouses on the internet and have very successful marriages.Some people scoff ath the idea of the internet dating as did I until I thought it out a bit. It is the modern day version of the matchmakers of times past. Except you get to choose. SO now I am an advocate of this method of meeting someone. I have a friend who also met her hubby on line and she now has 10 children to go with her successful marriage so I would call that happy ever after..
   — OntarioSilk

February 7, 2010
I voted I hope you see this! Good luck!
   — beccay10

February 14, 2010
Thank you, Diane. I said nothing about surgery being the key to a successful marriage. I simply put I had surgery, lost weight, gained a fiance. Prior to surgery, I didn't go out much. Surgery gave me the confidence to meet people and eventually open myself up to the possibilty of romance. This website was a source of support for me before and after surgery. I "assumed" that some supporters may like a happy ending and help me with votes for a contest. Didn't realize I needed counseling for that. Perhaps some people should not jump to conclusions or read between lines, when there wasn't a need. Surgery made me feel better about me. I met my fiance two years after surgery. I am well aware of the work marriages take. I have seen enough marriages fail in friends and family. I, however, have a positive outlook on my future marriage, since I now have a positive outlook on my life. Geez people - relax, it's a freakin' contest.
   — h2525f

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