low blood surgar, what to eat and not gain?

my blood surgar drops to 30 when I test for it. what can I do to eat and not gain. had rny i 2005 and am slowly gaining. sybil    — sybiliowa (posted on April 16, 2009)

April 20, 2009
Sybil, low B/S are very common. You NEED to make sure you are getting your protein first. I have found that I need a protein drink first thing in the morning, with water not milk, D/T the fact the milk was making me sick. Watch how you feel, eat something with high protein throughout the day,don't let yourself get that dizzy yucky feeling before you eat..Stay on top of it. Anita R has some great info. on her site...Good luck and God Bless. Shelly
   — sjacques

April 20, 2009
thank you I willl try I still can not eat meat very and throw up a lot...
   — sybiliowa

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