It has been 2 1/2 wks since my RYN my bowel are not consistent

I have not been eating everything simply because I am not hungry. I do not feel constipated. Has anyone had this problems, I am going to contact my doctor, just wanted to see if anyone else had the same problem.    — cbraxton (posted on March 22, 2008)

March 22, 2008
During the first few weeks most RNY patients are not hungry. They have to force themselves to drink water, eat, and take their protein shakes. Bowel movements may vary between constipation and diarrhea. Diarrhea may resolve itself, but constipation is often more of a problem. Stool softeners on a daily basis will help this problem
   — Dave Chambers

March 22, 2008
Your not alone. Its been a month for me and Im still not consistent. My Dr said it will get better the more I start to eat. I had to use a stool softner to help me. Its normal is what they told me. Hope it gets better.
   — ms_eboni1015

March 22, 2008
what is a good bowel softner
   — delaney7

March 23, 2008
I am 3 weeks post-op and had the same problem. I started taking benefiber as directed on package and it resolves both constipation and diarrhea. My MD recommended it and it works great for me.
   — 01trinity

March 23, 2008
Hi Charnita, it is not unusual at all for patients to not want to eat after surgery. This can last for quite some time, and personally I consider it a blessing. I am 4 years out, but sometimes I don't eat until 3PM for my first meal. Many times I do eat a breakfast, but sometimes I just don't want to eat, so I don't. I also am a night snacker, so if I begin late, then I have more for the evening when I want to eat. The basic reason behind what you are going through is that hunger, at least in part, is driven by a harmone that is in your stomach. When your stomach is severed, that harmone production/flow is in the lower part of your stomach. I think the theory is that it doesn't grow or aggitate your hunger like it would if your whole stomach were one piece. This produces a lack of appitite. Some people gain hunger back in about 6 months, and others it can be sooner or later. It is nice to not have that drive to eat, but also you want to be careful and eat even though you don't feel like it because you do need nutrition to function, and the complications of mal-nutrition are severe, so that that seriously. Your bowels will be inconsistent if you are eating inconsistently, so that is no big shock. If you get bound up, I take miralax, but I don't need it often. I would contact your doctor, but I don't think anything is very unusual for you. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

March 24, 2008
I am one month out and man Miralax is my bestfriend! This product is very gentle on the stomach/bowels. It may take a few days to work but it is very nice on the tummy. Hope this helps.
   — Tawmika

March 24, 2008
Congrats on surgery. The lack of hunger is from the surgery and quite common. You do need to make sure you are eating/drinking enough, so check with your doctor about what the minimum is. As far as bowel movements, they probably aren't going to be consistent and they are going to be different than before surgery (less often and less volume)... you probably did some kind of bowel prep to clean yourself out pre-surgery and since surgery, you're eating a very small amount and most of it is probably liquid/soft... you gotta eat to poop. :) If you aren't feeling constipated, then I wouldn't worry about it. Constipation has two components... 1. frequency of bowel movements 2. consistency of bowel movements.... I wouldn't worry too much about frequency, as long as you aren't uncomfortable. Bowel movements that require straining and produce small, hard, dry stools (think rabbit turds) are an indication of constipation... staying hydrated, adequate fiber, and a stool softner can help prevent this (Colace is great). Exercise will also help keep your bowels active. Good luck to you.
   — mrsidknee

March 25, 2008
I had open RNY 5 years ago and have NEVER been regular since!
   — christineneale

March 25, 2008
Hi, Yes, I had the same problem. I made sure I ate everything I was supposed to but was only going about once a week for the first month. My surgeon said I should be going every other day or so. I wasn't until I took an hour long walk at week 4 that my system started getting somewhat regular. I believe it was a combination of not being able to drink enough water and the fact that I was only eating a fraction of the amount of food that I was eating before surgery and there was lots of room in those intestines from all the stretched out space/gas. I was already taking 2 teaspoons of benefiber a day and 2 tsp of olive oil or other healthy fat a day in my diet. My doctor suggested mineral oil instead of olive oil to cut out the calories because the body doesn't absorb mineral oil, but that conflicted with what my nutritionist said. Your body does need healthy fat in the diet. You couldn't pay me to take mineral oil. Best wishes in getting healthy! Regina
   — Bigwyfan1964

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