What is the normal time after RNY to have blood work done?

I am from Minnesota, and had surgery in Mpls. on 4-9-07. I recently went to my 3 month post-op and they didnt do any blood work. I ask why, and they said they don't do any labs until the 1 year check. Is this an exceptable time frame or should they be checked sooner? thanks!!!!    — LaurieP (posted on July 28, 2007)

July 28, 2007
I had my surgery on june 13, 2007 and my post op appt was a week later, in the hospital they were supposed to do after surgery labs, I had them done, but when I went my my docs appt I ask him to gime an order of labs because of my hemoglobin level and he order a chem panel and cbc. God Bless You and hope this help you.
   — jarizomais

July 28, 2007
My labs were checked at one month and will be checked again at mt 3month checkup. He does a cbc bmp and a b12 level. I would be more concerned about the b12 not being checked for that long, and the potassium and calcium levelsbeing double checked if your surgeon won't check them ask your primary MD Shelia
   — swmb

July 28, 2007
Most definately much more often! Ugh, some "surgeon's" just don't realize how fast a person that has had RNY (assuming you have and not lapband) can go downhill if all vitamin levels aren't up to par! As I stated in another post earlier this week, you can go to your PCP and have them do blood work as often as you want! I've had blood work everytime I've gone to see my surgeon -- 2 week post op, 1,2 and 3 month post op and now will start the every 3 months as things are going fine w/me. However I've made an appt w/my PCP to check my iron levels because my family can't take iron (I tried it made me dizzy) so I need to find an alternate iron vitamin that I can tolerate, and also want to check all my vitamin levels as I just recently switched to the new formula centrum. So please, feel free to go to your PCP and tell them that you want your vitamin levels checked and any other things like cholesterol, etc checked! Good luck!
   — crystalsno

July 28, 2007
I haven't had surgere yet, but in the binder I received during orientation it says they will give me a lab slip at my 2 week and I am to have the bloodwork drawn 1 week before my 1 month so results are in when I see the surgeon at the 1 month. This repeats for the 3month, 6 month, and 1 year appointments. I would deffinatly ask your PCP to order the labs for you.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 28, 2007
Hi Laurie, My surgeon request labs at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months and 18 months then once yearly thereafter. It really is a good idea to have them done often, especially in that first year! I also request a copy of my labs to keep for myself to compare as I go. Good luck.
   — Jean N.

July 28, 2007
WOW, that seems a bit strange to me. I had labs at one month and three months and have my lab slip for 6 months (September). I keep my finger on the pulse, keep all of my labs and learned how to read them to know what to look out for and to see if anything is changing in a direction I don't like, etc. I would tell them to do it for your piece of mind.
   — jammerz

July 28, 2007
Laurie, Sounds unusual to me. I had surgery in Jan. so just had my 6 mo. check up. I had labs at 1 mo. 3 mos. and 6 mos. to check just about everything you can think of. This last time since I am on regular food they checked protein level, all the vitamins. etc. beside bodily functions. If your surgeon is not going to take care of it for you I would go to my primary care giver and request them. Should not be a problem to have that done. He should be monitoring you as well anyway. Mine is. He is very interested in how I am doing and sees me every three months to follow up on my progress and condition. He is the one that alters my current meds not my surgeon. Good Luck and God Bless, Norma
   — njkbutton

July 28, 2007
Hi Laurie, thanks for writing. Lab work is done differently by different doctors and sometimes according to your insurance rules. I had my labs done at 6 months and at one year, and now every year unless their is a reason to suspect it needs to be done sooner. If you are not having problems, I would tell your surgeon that you would like a full panel of blood work along with your vitamin panel done at 6 months, and then ask for a copy of that report, and when it is done at one year, ask for a copy again so you can compare the reports and see for youself how you are doing. Be sure to ask any questions you may have. You are your own best advocate, and I dont' think that 6 months is too early. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

July 29, 2007
you don't want to wait a year, go to your pcp and ask him or her to do a full panel on you, i had my first one done at three months and i was on the low side with iron and B1, i know i would not want to wait a year to find out that information.
   — Robert-P

July 29, 2007
As everyone else has stated, that seems way to long to go without being checked. I have had bloodwork pretty regularly and have had to adjust my vitamins accordingly. Both my primary care doc and surgeon's office review my labs. The surgeons office directs me to adjust levels and I keep my pcp informed of what is happening.
   — robinmarra

July 29, 2007
As a Newbie I had my Blood Labs done every month for the First three months. Then and now I have these Blood Labs done every Three months for the next 18 months which then I'll either go to twice a year or when I get my Plastic Surgeries done to remove excess skin, I repeat the Newbie Blood Labs procedures.
   — Michael Eak

July 30, 2007
I don't believe that your doctor should wait a full year to find out if your numbers are within a good range. I had my surgery at Mayo Clinic in Rochester and they did follow up blood work at 3 months, 6 months and a year. If your surgeon won't do the bloodwork I would check with your PCP just to make sure that your numbers are good. Good luck to you!
   — rinnchris

July 30, 2007
Doctors are different, but I had bloodwork at three, six, nine, and a year.
   — Novashannon

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