concerned somewhat

im 2 months out and down 55 lbs but im still wearing the same clothes is anyone having the same dilima. had gastri bypass    — karen43 (posted on June 28, 2007)

June 28, 2007
You are losing, weight shifting around probably. Give it a few more pounds. Soon your clothes will be swimming on you. Have fun shopping!
   — KRWaters

June 28, 2007
good god woman! how did you lose 55 lbs in such a short period of time? it's been 6 weeks and i just lost 33! clothes are fitting better though....NOT FAIR...LOL
   — lizzie42

June 28, 2007
Karen, I'm 4 months out and just started buying a few clothes about 3 weeks ago. It's not out of the ordinary -- I was trying very hard not to buy new clothes; however, I didn't have a choice because I'm in front of the public alot and needed clothes to fit. I'm down 6 lbs in 4 months -- you are loosing great -- 2 mths and 55 lbs -- you go girl!
   — the7thdean

June 28, 2007
Congrats on an amazing weight loss... I was in the same boat.... as you get out of plus szes the sizes are much closer together... I took me a long time to drop a size but then it seemed like every few weeks I was on to the next. You'll get there....keep up the great work!
   — SteffieBear15

June 28, 2007
wt does shift so that may be a part of it, also (and not to sound rude), but your clothes were probably too tight to start with so you may have had some room to loose before they become way too big. i know i have been on a supervised wt loss plan since feb and after losing 11 lbs some of my clothes are just now fitting properly. good luck and you may be one of those people where everything seems to fit one day and the next day they are falling off. you are doing great just keep up the good work. hope this helps, holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

June 28, 2007
I think the heavier you are the more you have to lose to go down sizes. I started at 369 (size 32), and It was a good 80-100 pounds before I got into some new clothes. But when I got down to a size 10, if I lost 8-10 pounds I would go down a size. And after I had a baby I had 4-6 pounds left over but I couldn't get back into my pre-pregnancy jeans. And I am pregnant again (was only un-pregnant for 3 months--so I didn't have a chance to lose the extra 4-6 pounds, I like to say I am reusing them for this baby--LOL)

June 29, 2007
That's GREAT! I'm 6 weeks out and only lost 26lbs. Please tell me what you are doing because I'm getting very much discouraged.
   — acquinetta

July 4, 2007
Wow! 55 pounds in two months is exceptional! You are doing great. Give it time for your weight to shift around.
   — Novashannon

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