Anyone here been addicted to diet pills?

I'm about 4.5 years post-op and I've been hiding a secret for a long time. I started taking prescription diet pills 7 years ago, and stopped for about 6 months prior to surgery, and at about 9 months post-op started taking the pills again. I am now seriously addicted to the pills and take 6-8 a day (phentermine or others). I want to get help, but I can't even find anything online to help me with this. Every time I type "diet pill addiction", etc., I just get more web sites that sell the medications. I was reading an article about meth addiction, and many of the signs and symptoms are similar to mine - headaches, mood swings, anxiety, paranoia and aggressiveness. I DO want help, and I know this is so bad for me - can someone please help me? I seriously think that I need somewhere to "go away" to & deal with this and would love to find a treatment center. Thank you to anyone who understands and can help.    — Jennifer C (posted on September 16, 2006)

September 16, 2006
I'm so sorry. I'm glad you're ready to get help. I'd suggest a psychiatrist. They can refer you to a treatment center and also put you in touch with a therapist to discuss the real root of this problem - just why you're taking these pills to begin with. I've been in a "psych ward" of a hospital before voluntarily and it's not like you see on tv or movies. There aren't crazy naked people running around and you aren't chained to your bed or anything. ;-) If you want to "go away" that could be a good place. Or a treatment center like for drug addicts or alcoholics. But finding a doc asap is needed. S/he might also be able to put you on an anti-depressant since you have mood swings, anxiety, etc. It will lessen the effects of getting off the pills. You're not the only one to go through this so don't feel alone. You're not stupid or a failure or anything negative you're probably thinking. You're reaching out for help and that is to be commended. I have bipolar so I know it's hard. Please get some help immediately and take care of yourself. Best wishes. :::hugs:::
   — platypus

September 16, 2006
Hi there, I don't take diet pills and you just gave me another reason not to(I have heard a lot of negative things about them and they probably wouldn't work for me). I hate to give this suggestion and am not trying to offend you in any way by suggesting these options, But I would seek the help of your PCP and/or surgeon on this. I would also seek the help of a psychologist or psychiatrist only because it is a serious addiction and there could be underlying problems that may be causeing this. I am sorry to have to suggest this but If it were me, I would think seriously about this. I hope that this helps and I am only suggesting this as support for you to get rid of the addiction.
   — C. Reed

September 16, 2006
For my 6 month program, my PCP put me on phentermine and I must say it works. I'm blessed when it comes to drugs, when I take any medication for about 6 months, my system becomes immune. I hate taking meds for any reason, therefore I have to be in some serious pain. Phentermine is addictive, but I guess it depends on ones system. Have you spoken with your primary care physician about your addiction. He/She should be able to offer you some suggestions and solutions and direct you to a treatment center. You probably should also ask your physician about conducting a physical to make sure that the diet pills have not caused any damage to any internal organs. Some diet pills can cause heart and/or kidney failure. I'd have those checked and just have the doctor do a thorough physical on you. Good luck and I'm proud that you are ready to seek assistance in alieveing yourself of the pills. You can't do it alone so don't turn down any help. You probably want find anything on "diet pill addiction", it's probably just prescription pills addiction or something like that.
   — the7thdean

September 16, 2006
Check out the followimg link, This is one of the best programs in the nation! My family had to deal with a member with a drug addiction and they helped that individual clean up as well as the whole family in dealing with the problems, education, and support. You've reached the 1st major hurdle by admitting the problem and asking for help. Now take the next step and call someone to help you and anyone else in your life that has been affected. Eric R
   — erothell

September 16, 2006
You do need to talk to a psychiatrist probably. The thing is, usually people get addicted to things because of underlying issues that need to be figured out. Many people try to self-medicate and end up overdoing it. You could have any number of issues going on and with the right psychiatrist, you can find out what they are and get the proper medication to get you on track. The right counselor or psychiatrist can make a world of difference for you!!!
   — Dinka Doo

September 16, 2006
Admitting you have the problem is step 1, step 2 is for sure talking to a pcp or psch Doc. You will not be able to stop cold turkey that could be more dangerous than working the problem through. Who is perscribing them or are they over the counter stuff. Are you afraid of gaining weight back after the surgery? You have to treat this as a drug addiction just like any alcoholic. It sounds like you just exchanged food addiction to drugs & you have to find away to stop them. You have to have you blood work checked to make sure all other stuff is still O.K. you could be in serious danger at this point & not even no it. Good Luck & hope some of these answers have helped you in your quest. Marilyn, the Bearlady
   — Marilyn C.

September 16, 2006
I agree with everyone else on this issue. It is very, very important that you get help immediately. Call your PCP and ask for help in kicking this addiction. Hopefully they will act on it right away and get you in to see a psychiatrist. There are some wonderful inpatient drug rehab facilities around the U.S. so hopefully you can get into one immediately. I also agree that it is important you get some blood work done to make sure nothing else is going on. Good luck and remember there are people that care and are with you.
   — shrkwmn

September 16, 2006
Hi there. I am not addicted to diet pills but I did get addicted to alcohol and within 3 1/2 years post-op almost drank myself to death. For me, I needed specialized support which I found in the rooms of AA. It has saved my life and I've been sober a little over 2 years now. My suggestions for you finding a psychiatrist who speicalizes in treating addictions. Also, NA would be good. Finally I would ask you to go to and check it out. I am very, very active on that board and there are boards for every type of addiction plus links to treatment facilities. Please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] if you want to discuss this further. I will help you locate any sources I can and ask any questions that I can. I've been in your shoes, different substance, but a drug is a drug is a drug. I no longer have to live that way today and neither do you. Help is available and hope is there. Hugs, Kellye
   — Kellye C.

September 16, 2006
You have taken the first step in getting help! Congratulations on your bravery and honesty! I once was addicted to several 'street' drugs and landed myself in a drug rehab program when I was 15 years old and off and on until I was 18. It is a HARD battle, don't let anyone tell you different. You need to contact your primary physician. They know you, your insurance and what is available in your area. Most likely you will need referrals and you will most likely need a doc to set-up a bed in an in-patient program. Like everyone has said here, keep your head up. It will get better, pray and God will make everything work for you. Good Luck!
   — NickandLandensMama

September 16, 2006
Jennifer try typing in help after the diet pill addiction....
   — Stacey T.

September 17, 2006
i too was addicted at one time to diet pills it was ephederine and it took a detox center and Na. Narcotics annon. to get me off take my advice and seek medical attention for this you need to stop but under medical care it is very dangerous trust me i have a bad heart valve from this i know the risks and you need help now. please keep in touch. theresa G
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 17, 2006
I agree with everything said here, one thing i didnt see mentioned was going to OA, its pretty common and more along the lines of your addiction than AA or NA, i doubt you would feel "at home" in an AA/NA meeting... (I attend both AA and OA) also there is a message board for addiction where I'm sure people there could help. Best of luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 17, 2006
   — Shaniece H.

September 19, 2006
Please go to a psychiatirst who specializes in addiction. The longer you put it off, the more harm it will do. You are stronger than a little pill!
   — Novashannon

September 21, 2006
Just an update, I have seen my PCP who will be helping me through this addiction, and also have been referred for therapy. I had been ordering the pills online (several RXs at a time) and my PCP (and people close to me) didnt know about it. I also appreciate all the suggestions and support. i need to stay anonymous for privacy reasons & it doesn't really allow anyone to get to know me, but so many of you have shown me you care without being able to see my picture or read my bio. Thank you so much.
   — Jennifer C

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