i am almost 8 months out and need help bad/ terrified

my surgery was Nov 21, 2005. I have lost from 324 to 230and have just stopped . I lost almost all of my weight by March and then drop a few pounds here and there . I have not dopped any weight in 3 months . I am so afraid this is all I am going to lose and I need to lose 70 to 100 more pounds . I am starting to panic . Everyone i have talked to says don't worry ,but its past that now . I exercise more , and drink more water when i can . My job won't permit me too run to the bathroom all day . I do take advantage of more water when i am off . please I need help . I have come to far , have a new job and need to keep going .    — losingit (posted on July 12, 2006)

July 11, 2006
Hey, don't worry so much! I know, it's easy for me to say, right? Well, I am just beginning this process and I think it is WONDERFUL that you have lost 94 pounds in 8 months!!! Start congratulating yourself. Don't be so hard on yourself, you are doing great! I have read a lot on this website where people talk about a plateu diet. Go to the main message board and ask about that. It might help! Good luck!
   — Jodie B.

July 11, 2006
Congrats on how far you have come. There is no easy answer why weight stops, but a couple suggestings I think will help is this. The three most important things to losing weight are eat, drink and excercise. The next items you need to look at is how much you are eating. Basically you need to eat approx. 1 1/2 cups per meal. Then you need to go back to the basics. measure your food. You might not realize how much you are eating at this time. Good luck
   — Steve Cohen

July 12, 2006
As all others have said, don't panic about it. You're at what they call a plateau. My partner weighed as much as you did and she is at the same wieght as you and she is almost 3 years out. Try to drink at least a liter of water before you leave home in the morning. Keep doing what you are doing --exercising, drink fluids, eating healthy and the weight will start to drop again. Great job on the weight you've already lost.
   — the7thdean

July 12, 2006
Deb - first congratulations on what you have done- second keep the faith we are all here to support you now to your question- I am only about 10 weeks out but just prior to my surgery I saw what I am about to attach on this website and copied it incase I would need it in the future- if it works please let me know. How To Break A Plateau #1 - Do this for 10 days to break a plateau #2 - Drink 2 quarts of water a day #3 - You must have 45 grams of protein supplement and all your vitamins/minerals supplements each day #4 - You may consume up to 3 oz of the following high protein foods, 5x a day beef pork chicken turkey lamb fish eggs low fat cheese cottage cheese plain yogurt or artificially sweetened peanut butter beans/legumes You may also have: sugar free popsicles tea or coffee sugar free soda sugar free jello broths/bullion crystal light drinks #5 - If it's not on the list, you can't have it for 10 days!!!! #6 - Keep a food diary and try to get up to 30 mins of exercise daily Donna
   — dabby

July 12, 2006
I'm 5.5 months post op and have hit a couple plateaus. I got the scale to move again by going on a strickly liquid protein shakes for 2 days. Down 3.5 next week.
   — LaurieH

July 12, 2006
It is always scary to hit a long plateau and think - Is this where it stops? I had my surgery a month after you did and have hit several plateaus. The longest was for about 6-8 weeks. I think all the ideas others have posted are good ones. Every meeting, conference or support group I have been to has stressed that when in doubt go back to the basics - pretend you had surgery yesterday and do a week of liquids, then a week of soft foods - measure everything, keep a log, drink all your water, take all your vitamins, and make sure you get your protein. Good luck!
   — pattilca

July 12, 2006
First you have done awesome at the weight yu have lost, CONGRATULATIONS! I had surgery on 9/26/05 - I started at 258 and have reached 164. I have been fluctuating (sp?) between 164 & 168 for about 3 months, so I totally understand your frustration. All I can say is the plateau breaking startegy seems to be what works for others. I have been looking all over the site for the lady's website that lists it and can not find it, but it seems that Donna has found it. Donna, can you sharewith Deborah and I the website address or the Profile that has it listed. Good luck Deborah - let me know if you find the plateau address... Hugs!!! Anne-Marie P
   — AnneRie

July 12, 2006
Woohoo!! I did some searching to messages back in October 2005 anc finally found the website I have been looking for. Go to the plateau buster diest is listed on the left under the heading General Post-op Info. Again - keep up the great work you are doing at loosing weight!
   — AnneRie

July 12, 2006
Are you drinking at least 64 ounces of water and getting your protein? Those are both key to losing. that said, do you mean you have not lost ANY weight for thre months, or you have lost a few pounds? I only lose about three or four pounds a month, and sometimes none, but I am still losing!
   — Novashannon

July 15, 2006
Congrats on your weight loss. That may be it for you. i know a woman who was 301 ILBS before surgery and now is 200. That is all she could lose, she is now 8 years post op. 100 ILBS was her max. Good Luck!
   — MikeL

July 16, 2006
Don't feel bad. I am 7 years out and at 254 and I now am Considering doing this again. I feel really badly I gained some of my weight back. However I have a lot of health problems and now I need to do this again :(
   — sonydolphin28

July 24, 2006
Same thing happened to me. My problem was the Carb/Protein percentage. Dramatically increase your protein intake. No more than 35 grams at one time. 3 or 4 times a day and try to cut back on the carbs. The increase in protein should decrease your appetite. WATER! WATER! WATER! and this should kick-start tour metabolism.
   — WMKaisla

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