
ok i am 12 months out. i have it everyday- sometimes it is as bad as 15 times a day. i do not eat sugar, i dont drink any kind of pops. if i want somwething sweet it is sugar free. i dont over eat. but i do use artificial sweetners, can that be causing it, or is it just one of those things. i didnt know if it just my meds, I am on a lot b/c I have ms, scoliosis, artritis and oteo-arthritis, and being only 35 they make me take a ton. i am also doing chemo , I am just a little confused about what could be causing it    — georgebrooks (posted on June 11, 2006)

June 11, 2006
George, I am 2 and 1/2 years out and I still have diahrea myself. Once in a while God will surprise me and a log will roll out. Hang in there along with me, they say it will pass and eventually regular stools will come. Curious as to how much weight you have lost. I have lost 222 pounds, from 465 down to 243. You can email at [email protected], Check out my profile on, Mickey Craig, from Rhode Island.' I wish you all the best my friend, you mentioned you are taking chemo, I will keep you in my prayers!! Write to me anytime!! Your friend Mickey..........
   — MCraig3

June 11, 2006
Talk to your doctor about running a stool sample and check for bacteria in your intestines. My daughter had the exact same thing and she had some kind of bacteria causing it. We also thought it had to do with the surgery but it didn't. If it is the same thing, you'll need to take special meds to get rid of it. She is back to normal now! I wish you luck...15 times a day is not normal and is definitely interfering with your quality of life.
   — Lezlie

June 11, 2006
I was going to suggest the same thing about making sure you don't have an infection - specifically Clostridium Difficile. It is becoming very prevalent in the US lately and can be very dangerous if untreated. It is often caused by being on too many medications (usually antibiotics) because it is an opportunistic infection. Take a look at for more info.
   — Rick Bedard

June 11, 2006
If you did run a test for your stools, I encourage you to do so. Now if everything hopefully will be normal, I am sure chemo will do that (my dad had chemo and resulting diarrhoea). AS for the sweetners can play a big role too. PErsonnaly if I take more than once a day, anything with sweetner, it surely will give me diarrhoea. Hope you will feel better soon, patty
   — Patty brown

June 11, 2006
George, I would definitely cut back/cut out the artificial sweeteners, at least temporarily to check to see if that is the culprit. Most artificial sweeteners are known to cause loose stools and many products that contain them post a warning on the package "May Have a Laxative Effect". I feel for ya buddy, I hope you find your answer soon! Becky
   — onmiway

June 12, 2006
Since the meds & sugar types are covered, the one thing I'd ask is if you've tried skipping milk for 48 hrs. I was lactose intolerant before surgery and it was miserable. I LOVED milk, so took me a long time to make the connection. Went for 2 weeks without milk and the went back to it. Yeppers, that was it. I can do cheese, cotage cheese, sour cream, cream cheese, but NO milk or ice cream.
   — vitalady

June 12, 2006
Hey There! I had Colon Cancer almost 5 years ago and had chemo and radeation both..then surgery.... I took on diarehea then and have lived with it ever very lose type... I been sick all week and went in to see my doc. and I told him I had nothing but water running through me.. He told me to STOP milk and milk products. They feed the Diarehea. Hope this is of some help to you.... I would like to know more about your situation if you are willing to talk with me about it...Please write me at [email protected]. Good Luck to you!!! Flo
   — Flo

June 12, 2006
Ask your dr about taking benefiber or metamucil. Either one will cause your stools to thicken. Follow directions and if that doesn't work, try a little more. I think both of them call for a tablespoon. You cannot taste the benefiber and it doesn't thicken. Metamucil will thicken so you drink it as quickly as you can without choking yourself. Also, if your bowels are off, sometimes acidoliphus will help restore the good flora to your intestines.
   — geneswife

June 12, 2006
Hi George..thats a good hubby is a George III and son George IV. Anyway, It sounds like you have a lot going on. to be honest all of it is probably contributing to your bowel problems. But, in the research that I have done artificial sweeteners are notorious for this. Especially any of them ending in "tol" malitol, sorbitol etc. I wouls suggest sticking to splenda. This can have the same effect to some people but not as many. The difference with Splenda is that it is a natural product. The worst offender is Malitol which is used in most sugar free candies...especially chocolates. I do not think abstaining from these sweeteners will solve your problem all together...But, it may lessen it. Try everything that has been posted. Abstain from your sweeteners for a week. If it makes the problem better..even a little. Ok. Than also try to go without the milk for a week...see if it makes things even better. You really have to treat it like an allergy to find out what it is. But, if you do cut down on the milk please up your mgs. of calcium supplement. (with all your docs approval of coarse) Good Luck to you George. Hang in there.
   — hooterzgirl75

June 13, 2006
Could be the artificial sweeteners, the meds, or just nature. Discuss it with your PCP and your surgeon at your next checkup.
   — Novashannon

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