Can my PCP prevent me from having this surgery?

In July I told my PCP that I was having a consultation with BTC and wanted to have surgery. He told me "go for it!" and said he could even recommend a doctor that does this surgery. That made me feel really good about having this procedure so I went forward. Now that my insurance has approved it and I'm scheduled for Sept 6, my PCP is mad. I had to see him yesterday for a general follow-up appt. and when I told him I was going in on 9/6 he was shocked. He said he doesn't think this is a good idea and why do something so drastic. I reminded him of what he said in July and he then started asking me who and where this procedure was going to be done. When I told him (Dr. Vaughn/BTC-Belvidere, IL), he seemed to get even more disgusted. He said he doesn't think I should be letting some strange person in a strange place cut into me and that he wasn't notified about this and he knows someone who can do this and he started writing a note in my records that I should at least get a second opinion. When I told him I have my PATS on 9/3 he said someone from BTC needs to send him a letter or notify him or something. After discussing this with some friends, we all agree that it seems that my PCP is more upset that BTC is doing this and not one of his recommended doctors. I can't afford to pay for one of his doctors! The whole reason I chose BTC is because I believed they would have a better chance of getting insurance approval. I had already looked to see if there were any surgeons listed in my health plan (I have Humana Choice Care PPO in IL) who do this and there weren't any. Now I'm worried that he may try to stop me from having this surgery. I felt great until I saw him and now I'm scared that after all these years and efforts he will be able to stop me from having it done. Has anyone had any issues like this?    — ChicagoGal (posted on August 30, 2002)

August 30, 2002
CALM DOWN!! Your PCP cannot keep you from having surgery! He works for you, and has no control over telling you what you can and cannot do. He can make all the notes he wants, the surgeon is your and only your choice and if you are comfortable with who you picked you are fine. If he persists in negativity regarding this issue tell him your views and that you understand his point of veiw but you have made your decision and do not want to discuss it further. If he still gives you grief, find a new PCP. Best of luck to you!
   — Pam W.

August 30, 2002
Your PCP may just be concerned because he does not "know" the surgeon and place you have chosen for your surgey. All doctors have other doctors that they use for referrals, that they trust and know their work. However, that said, just inform your PCP that his recommended suggestions are not part of your insurance plan and the BTC is. You do not need your PCP's approval, but it is so nice to have one that not only approves but is knowledgeable of the surgery as your PCP will be seeing you post-op longer than the surgeon will. If you don't have that in your PCP, look for another within your plan.
   — Cindy R.

August 30, 2002
I never even told my PCP of 7 yrs. that I was having the Surgery. I found a Surgeon on my own and just did it! It's your body, your PCP can only give his opinion, he can't stop it from happening!!!GOOD LUCK!!!
   — Tambi B.

August 30, 2002
I just read this poster's question and am steaming mad at this so-called doctor! I just have to say that in this society we put doctors on pedestals that they often don't deserve. Please know that doctors are human, and that includes all of the failings, inflated egos, and suspect motives that us mere mortals suffer from, too. Just because they took the Hippocratic oath doesn't mean that they are altrustic individuals who only operate in their patient's best interest! This guy sounds like he's got an overblown idea of himself and his responsibility to you. What a jerk! (Sorry for this fuming... I've been a nurse long enough to see lots of stuff like this and just had to vent!) Aloha, JK, RN
   — Joya K.

August 30, 2002
I agree with the other posters...if your PCP can't support you, FIRE HIM!!! He's not the only fish in the sea. He CAN be replaced!!! Take no crap!!!
   — Leslie F.

August 30, 2002
I believe as long as you don't need a referal from him, he has no control over the situation. It sounds like you either didn't need a referal or are beyond that point. Even if he refused to give you a referal (if one was needed) you could always see another primary who would be willing to give one to you. Best of luck. -Kim open RNY 7/17/01 -127
   — KimBo36

August 31, 2002
Time to choose a new PCP!
   — DeeDee B.

August 31, 2002
My fiance had an appt with our PCP 7-02. After he was finished I presented him with a letter that I wrote to him about my intention to have WLS. He read the letter while I was in the office and told me that my letter was well written, that he can see that I have thought and researched WLS, and GO FOR IT! So, I went for my first appt. My surgeon was surprised to hear that my PCP gave his blessing for WLS. I kind of think that my surgeon thought I didn't even discuss it with my PCP until he saw the copy of the letter that I gave to my PCP. So this got me thinking that possibly my surgeon didn't like my PCP. I went to see my PCP a few weeks later. We started talking about WLS and he seemed to think that I wasn't serious about having WLS! I told him that I met with my surgeon and he was asking me about what the surgeon had to say, etc. My PCP then proceeds to joke with me that he "could punch me for gaining 31 pounds since October". I then say, well, as you can see I can never be on a diet and keep weight off. It usually all comes back, and then some. I don't remember his exact words, but it was something like, you can diet if you put your mind to it. ISN'T THAT THE MINDSET OF MOST NON-OBESE PEOPLE? They all think it's a laziness, will power thing. Man, it gets me so darn mad!! Why wouldn't my doctor want me to feel better about my selft and be healthier? Is it because I won't be contributing to his pockets anymore?? So, as others have replied, get another PCP, which is what I intend to do. I am seeing my surgeon again in 2 weeks and plan on asking him if he is aware of any PCPs in my area that are Obesity friendly and Pro-WLS. Sorry about the long post...I just had to vent. Feel free to email me if you need to vent! Good luck! LOL
   — Brenda L.

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