Am I considered a slow loser ?

Hi - How do I know if I am losing okay - I started at 318 on 3/16/01 and I am now at 230 as of this am - I really thought that I would have been at 218 by now ... Is it true at 6 months time you can double that lose and that is what you will lose in 18 months time ? Thank you in advance - I also have gone from a size 28/30 to an 18/20 shirt and 20 pants . I want to lose all my weight by 3/16/02 - is it possible ? Thank you LAP RNY    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 7, 2001)

September 6, 2001
No one can answer this question for you. People can only give you their personal experiences. And what is true for them isn't necessarily something you can compare yourself to. What you need to be doing is asking yourself if you are following your doc's plan (to a "t"). Do you know what is working for you? Do you have better results when you up your protein intake? Water? Exercise? Are you doing the same types of exercise or are you changing it up? Have you experimented to see what works best for you?? Have you added another glass of water to your diet? How about carbs? Do those affect you at all? These are things that you need to focus on to determine your best method for losing weight. Good luck!
   — Kimberly L.

September 7, 2001
Bread, pasta, and rice tend to swell in the pouch and double in size. It can sometimes block a stoma or cause pain if it swells too much. My surgeon doesn't want us eating that in the first 3 months and after that it's as tolerated. Bread is supposed to be whole grains and toasted so it's crispy....this helps it to crumble better. Whole grain pastas and brown rice well cooked are supposed to make a difference, but I'd rather stay away from those for personal reasons. My "sandwiches" nowadays are meats and cheese or spreads on multi grain melba toast. Good luck!
   — Jo C.

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