HELP - Do you think my my sex drive got bypassed too ?

Hi - This might sound silly to some of you - I have totally lost my sex drive - My poor husband - I used have a HUGE sex drive - Is this a serious health issue - For real ??? Where did it go ??? HELP !!!    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 8, 2001)

August 8, 2001
Hi. This is NOT a silly question. You didn't say how far pot-op you are, but if you are early post-op, you may just be fatigued. It really takes a full six to eight weeks for your energy levels to return to normal. It is probably just your body telling you to slow down and take it easy. My hubby and I had sex about three weeks post-op, but we had to take it easy, and I wasn't up to having it frequently as we did pre-op until all my fatigue went away. It's probably temporary and will most likely get better at time goes by. Give yourself time to heal first.
   — Maria H.

August 8, 2001
Well, I am 14 months post-op and still "nothing". I feel really, really bad because my fiance has been with me through all of this and now he's worried that I'm not attracted to him anymore...I keep telling him that it's not him but just that I don't feel very sexual at all. We are getting married in two weeks and I'm wondering how I'm gonna "fake it" through the honeymoon. Are there any herbs or something to help this problem? Any help at all out there?
   — Tracey D.

August 8, 2001
I recommend you see your doctor; rapid weight loss can throw our hormones out of wack! You may need just a bit of testosterone (sp??) to get you back in the swing of things. Yes, even women...the sex drive of both sexes is highly dependent upon testosterone. Good luck.
   — MarilynT

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