Help! What's causing this pain?

I have been suffering with pain since eating dinner last night. It's like a gas pain though more intense. The pain is on the left side, sometimes in my back. In the last few hours, it's spread throughout the entire abdomen. I took some Phayzyme and it didnt help at all. I feel hurgry but have been forcing myself to eat today. This is not the norm for me, I rarely feel like Ive had surgery lately (Except I am eating small amounts) I ate a poppy seed roll last night.... lots of seeds. Could that be the cause? Also, what can I do to alleviate the pain? Will meat tenderizer work? The doctor recommended one time for a similar pain caused by eating too much popcorn (I was vomiting then, not now) Any advice would be appreciated!    — Jeannet (posted on May 16, 2001)

May 16, 2001
Hi, I once had a pain exactly like that about 3 weeks ago.The dr suggested I try a fleet enema and see if that helped..I ended up not needing it..The pain just vanished. Are you gassy at all ? He said it could be some food far out are you? You might wantt o call your dr, it could be a intestinal hernia (worst case scenario). I would call him though just to touch bases
   — Eva C.

May 16, 2001
It might be gas. But keep an eye on this it could be a Gall bladder attack.
   — Dennis J. B.

May 16, 2001
I haven't had WLS yet but it sounds exactly how I felt before I had my gall bladder removed a few years ago. I put up w/ the pain for a few days before going to my doctor. I was checked for hepatitis 1st because blood tests showed something was affecting my liver.....not good at all. To this day, my liver is still a little out of whack because I didn't see my doctor sooner. My doctor suggested very bland, non-spicy, low fat foods before finding exact diagnosis, up to and even after surgery...just until my system recovered. If I cheated, boy did I ever pay for it. Be on the safe side and go see your doctor. Good luck.
   — Cathy D.

May 16, 2001
Jeanne, I recently had a very painful attack, different somewhat than yours, but having the same surgeon as you, I emailed him. A few days later he called me (he hadn't received the email til after the weekend) and cautioned me to call him immediately if it re-occurred.
   — danirat

May 17, 2001
I have experienced the same pain. My pain happens when I eat potatoes. It feels like gas but way more intense. My abdomen actually appears distended when I have the pain. I eventually narrowed it down to potatoes and eliminated them from my diet. It MAY be an allergic reaction to a food you ate. I hope this helps. Maybe your doctor can shed more light ont his problem.
   — John M.

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