Will a drug to postpone your period interfer with any drugs used during surgery?

My surgery is scheduled right during the time that I will be expecting my period. I know that there is a drug that you can take that will postpone this. Does anyone know if this will interfer with drugs givin during and right after surgery. I have not talked to my doctor about it yet.    — Kathie B. (posted on April 2, 2001)

April 2, 2001
Surgery induces menstruation for many women. I had just had mine, but got it again. It wasn't any problem to manage. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 2, 2001
If the drug used to stop your period is a hormone as they often are.. it may not be a big deal... but heck ask the surgeon for sure. What I found when doing that before is it made me awful emotional. My OBGYN explained that is was a menopausel reaction (as the medication imitates it therefore stopping your period).
   — Dawn R.

April 2, 2001
Yes, hormones CAN have powerful effects on such things as blood clotting, etc. Surgery will often induce a period just as others have said. Mine had just started (sigh--Murphy's Law for all menstruating women, it seems) when I went in. And--surprise! The surgery caused it to "dry up" after only a day and a half! Shortest period I ever had! So leave things alone, I say--the body knows what it wants to do to cope with surgery's effects, and it's not smart to interfere with it just to avoid embarrassment and discomfort. (Though, God knows, all of us women understand the powerful urge.) Hormones are very powerful--best not to disrupt nature. Best Wishes, Jesse
   — Jesse M.

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