Is Vaseline or Chapstick better?

I am preparing for surgery on 3-30-01 and I need to know if using vaseline for mylips is the same as using chapstick. Or is there something special in chapstick that makes it better to use for my lips. I prefer vaseline but I would definitely use chapstick if it is better.. Thanks, and please keep me in your thoughts for my surgery on Friday...    — Ang B. (posted on March 29, 2001)

March 28, 2001
I used chap stick with aloe and vit. E.I had no problems,or chapped lips.
   — Carol F.

March 28, 2001
Hi - I think that is mostly an individual preferance. I use carmex or blistix medicated...but I would think if you prefer vaseline....that would be the best for you!! I know I didn't really help much...Good Luck!!
   — chance2lv

March 28, 2001
This is going to be a different response, but when I read this question, I remembered what had happened to me, and thought I'd let everyone know....I have a tendancey to break out in fever blisters on my lips in the sun, or when I am happened to me when I had a c-section, and it REALLY happened to me with the wls...I guess its how my body handles stress....anyway, I brought some will be so dry, the vaseline will feel more moist, I think, than chapstick...a good trick is to put a very thin film of it on your teeth (sounds weird, but works)it will help keep your mouth from being so dry...just in case, I brought somem zovirax....I kept painting my lips with the vaseline...and when I broke out, I was prepared with the "big guns"! So, for anyone who gets fever blisters, you may want to prepare yourself to get them at this time too...
   — lynne S.

March 29, 2001
I used Mint Softlips, you can get it inthe drugstores. I love it all the time, but it saved me in the hospital!! It's not as waxy as chapstick, and not greasy like vasaline, it's nice and soft. The mint is really minty, and felt so good. There's also a cherry flavor, I like that one too, but I'd for sure go with the mint for the hospital. I hope I helped, Good Luck!!!
   — Danielle G.

March 29, 2001
This is only personal preference. Try Burt's Bees lip gloss in a pot is the best! By the way, ask the nurses to bring you frozen glycerin sticks after the surgery to moisten the inside of your mouth. It is fantastic and your mouth will be like a big ole cotton ball after surgery while you are off of all foods and water for a day or 3.
   — Cindy H.

September 4, 2001
I use Blistex daily. I think it is the best!
   — blank first name B.

September 4, 2001
And I liked Bonne Belle sticks. They used to make a big one, almost as big as a round deoderant. At least it couldn't roll away as easily. Sort of between chap stick and vaseline in consistency, not as waxy as chap stick, not as quickly absorbed as vaseline. And easily managed by someone on drugs with one hand in an ace bandage (injury day before surgery).
   — vitalady

September 4, 2001
Another personal preference, have you heard of Carmex? The only problem some have with it is that it contains salycylic acid (Spelling?), which I think is the base ingredient in asprin. If you can find it in the glass jar (little squat white jar with a yellow lid) that's the best, the tube just doesn't compare for some reason! Best of luck as you prepare for surgery! ~Peace
   — Joscelin

April 28, 2002
I know this post is way after the question, but in case anyone is reading it later, I'll answer anyway. Personally, I like a German Product called Labello. Maybe it's Italian. Anyway, it's available at German or European stores. I also found some in Mexico. There are lots of kinds. There's one in a squirt tube. That one, the one called "Labello Hydro" and the one called "Labello Med" are really great for badly chapped lips. My personal favorite is the Camille (Camomille in English??). It's green. All of the Labells are so much better than chapstick. I think I've tried every kind there is. They have "Sport" and "Sun" and "Regular (blue)" and about 6 or 8 other kinds. I don't know what makes them so much better, but they are. My sister-in-law was in a coma for 8 weeks and we used the "Hydro" on her and it really helped. She was hooked up to tubes and all kinds of wires. There's also another product I just got from Mary Kay. It's a 2-part product. The first is in a squirt tube and it's gritty. It exfoliates. Then you wipe if off and use the stuff in the little squatty jar to moisturize. I haven't used them for post-surgery, but they sure get the dry pieces off and moisturize well. I'll be bringing ALL of it with me and see what works best!
   — Amy M.

January 3, 2003
re: chapped lips. For anyone who likes Vaseline, try Shea Butter. I find it so much better and doesn't look greasy. I like L'Occitane (store at Garden State Plaza, Paramus nj, On-line L'; and QVC carries their products). Heck, even if all you want to do is smell good, try their bath and body products. LOVE IT! Linda
   — lorien

February 15, 2003
Mary Kay does make an excellent lip care set! I think it is about the best hydration I have had for my lips. Email me for more info ;) [email protected]
   — badmaxxi

August 28, 2003
I realize that this answer is way after the initial post, but thought this might help someone. Most people don't know this and a lot of health care settings don't emphasize it either, but you are not supposed to use anything on your lips that is petroleum based if you are on supplemental oxygen due to its flammability. Almost all chapstics, carmex, and vaseline are petroleum based. The one product that I have found and love is called Aquaphor. You can find it at most drug stores.
   — Shelby *.

August 28, 2003
Wow this is one old question......LOL
   — Saxbyd

August 28, 2003
Well, on the ingredient label on all the tubes of Aquaphor I have, there is no petroleum in it.
   — Shelby *.

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