I went to the doctor and he said my EKG came back abnormal..What does this

mean? I have another appointment in 2 days for another EKG. If I have another abnormal EKG will it hold up my surgery? Any answers greatly appreciated.    — Ang B. (posted on March 21, 2001)

March 21, 2001
That is a question for your doctor.
   — Cindy H.

March 21, 2001
the day before my surgery ,my surgeon called me with the bad news that my ekg was abnormal and i would be postponed until further testing could be done. I was hysterical , I called my PCP and he set up an echo cardiogram with a cardiologist that afternoon. My pcp believed their was something wrong with the cardiogram itself and he was right. It was not me or my heart , the next day I had the surgery and I lived happily ever after. The moral of the story is DON'T PANIC! (like I did) Wait until you get all the facts. I will pray for you.
   — Rose A.

March 21, 2001
Hi Angie--I had my EKG two days ago. Stress test, 6 minutes on the treadmill. The doctor told me it was "boderline". He said that sometimes women have slight irregularities, and he doesn't know why. Fortunately for me, I had had an angiogram last year and it was normal. No not Panic!! They will order other tests and I am sure you will come out fine. The machines are not fool proof and chances are when they do the next test you will be fine. Email me if you need to talk.
   — Debbie V.

April 20, 2001
I know what you are going through!!!!! My surgery was scheduled for Tues of this week and Mon. Drs office called to tell me mine was canceled due to an abnormal EKG too. I did the same thing you did and alot of crying too. On Thur I saw a cardiologist and he ran another one, also an echocardiogram. His office called the same afternoon to tell me had released me for surgery. So please don't worry and just do what you have to do to take care of it. At least we have very thorough Drs. and we can go into surgery with extra confidence in our Drs. (and our hearts!!!) Feel free to get in touch with me if you need to talk.
   — Deborah B.

December 18, 2001
My EKG was normal but my chest X-ray showed that my heart was enlarged. I had an echo done and it showed that I had mitral valve. I did not know that I had it. I can still have the surgery. Because I had these tests done way in advance, I should still be on schedule for my surgery date.
   — [Anonymous]

May 10, 2002
Angie, I had a adnormal ekg. What it means is that you have a little bit of a irregularity in the way your heart beats. In my case they did a extra stress test to see what the heart would do under stress. I would say wait until you see you doctor again, and the most important thing is ask questions. Don't let it get you down. Helen
   — Helen T.

May 3, 2005
Well I have tac cardia and the cardiologist ok'd my surgery. I have a fast heart beat. I also have what they call a regurgatating heart valve due to caffiene intake. I am still having surgery. Good luck you can make it. But always have your heart checked on any abnormal EKG.
   — Kevin R.

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