Please tell me more about the NG tube?

I hear everyone talking about the NG tube....what is this and why is it so bad. I am starting to get a little nervous because my surgery is 3-26-01, so I want to know exactly what I am in store for.. Thanks    — Ang B. (posted on March 18, 2001)

March 18, 2001
I hated it. I was begging my surgeons for it to be removed on day 2, the janitorial staff on day 3. I got dry heaves the afternoon of day 3 and started vomiting up foamy mucous. The pain mgt team found that the tube somehow got unattached from the pump, and it wasn't working. He got the order to remove it, and I was thanking the heavens that it was gone. I hope you have a better experience.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 18, 2001
Before getting too concerned, why not check with your surgeon to see if this is a routine aspect of surgery? My surgeon does not use an NG tube routinely and I was extremely thankful. When I woke up there was nothing attached to me except my IV. My doctor explained before hand that this would be the case, so I did not have any surprises.
   — Shelley.

March 18, 2001
I had an NG tube for a past surgery and it took a chunk out of my nostril! However they put it in/taped it down, they sliced a chunk out of my nostril and left a nice scar. As far as the tube itself, it wasn't too uncomfortable. Just heavy if I tried to sit up. Taking it out was no problem--no pain and very quick. Just tell them before you go in to be careful not to slice your nostril!!!
   — PT LawMom

March 19, 2001
After reading someone's horror story, I had to weigh in. With my weight loss surgery, I did not wake up with an N-G tube. I was grateful, as this was uncommon for my surgeon, according to the nurses. However, I've had plenty of experience with it in the past. One time, after gall bladder surgery, I had gas and stuff building, building, building and my pain was getting so bad. They decided they needed to insert an N-g tube to help drain and suck off some of this stuff. So, while I was awake they inserted an N-g tube. It was bad, and 3 people had to hold me down while they did it. But, the good news is, that with your surgery, they will insert it while you are asleep and they may remove it before you wake up. I've never, ever heard of anyone taking a chunk off of someone's nostril (an n-g tube isnt like a knife, so I don't know how that could happen anyway). As far as having one in when you wake up, it isn't going to choke you as it is in one nostril and goes down into your new stomach pouch. It doesn't hurt, but you are aware that it is there -- especially if you push on it. When they remove it, it is quick and over in a second. So, don't sweat it. You'll be fine. Best wishes on your surgery and much success in reclaiming your health and your life!
   — Cindy H.

March 19, 2001
Hi Angie, I had my surgery last Monday and I had an NG tube it wasn't so bad but it did irritate my throat. My surgeon left mine in until Wednesday when she ordered a study, the people in radiology put medium in my tube and did x-rays to make sure there were no leaks. After she saw the films my tube came out and I was glad to have it gone.
   — Beth E.

March 19, 2001
Ditto what Margaret said...make sure the nurses are very careful with that thing. The discomfort wasn't bad--more of an annoyance than anything else--but I, too, have a nice little scar on my nostril because of that thing. It's not disfiguring or anything, just obnoxious.
   — Suzanne B.

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